After 4 years

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Meredith's laughter ceased, and for the first time in years, Derek slowly began to feel whole again.

Soon enough, Cristina noticed that Meredith's laughter had subsided and also that she had seemed to instantly sober up. However, the most telling thing was the look on Meredith's face. Only one thing, or should she say person, no, man, could cause Meredith Grey to have that look and that man was Derek Shepherd.

Cristna didn't even need to look to confirm that Derek had indeed walked through the door, instead she leaned towards Meredith and asked, " You're back here for five seconds and already being McDreamyed?

"Shut up." Meredith hissed.

"I'm just saying. Although out of curiosity, and for betting purposes only, you are still with Lachlan, or did you give up on him ?" Cristina whispered back.

"Don't be so insensitive and yes, Cristina I am still with him. And I will still be with him after Izzie's wedding, so stop the bets before they begin." Meredith said firmly.

While Cristina and Meredith were having their whispered argument, Derek and Mark began their walk towards the bar.

"I get the feeling you're going to need a few of those before the nights out, right Shepherd?" Joe asked with a sympathetic smile, gesturing towards the single malt scotch he had placed in front of Derek.

When Derek didn't reply, for he was too busy looking towards the object of his many sleepless night, Mark responded for him.

"You better stock up on the scotch now Joe, 'cause I get the feeling that Derek's ass will be a frequent visitor to your barstools over the next month or so."

Joe couldn't help but agree with the steamy surgeon on that one.

Whenever Meredith and Derek were in each other's presence, they always managed to destroy one another and those around them. Joe knew that Rose definitely wasn't going to be happy with this latest development, and he knew that Meredith had a boyfriend who would be coming out for the wedding, and couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor guy.

Derek and Mark grabbed their drinks and made their way over to the booth and also made their presence known to the rest of the group.

"So how's my favorite dirty mistress?" Mark grinned.

"Still dirty, but no longer a mistress." Meredith replied, jumping out of her seat and into Mark's arms.

"Well as long as you keep the dirty Grey, my respect for you won't dwindle."

"I'll remember."

"Now let me get a good look at you. Four years can make or break a person's hotness factor." Mark said with all seriousness, while Izzie just shook her head and wondered yet again what she saw in him.

Meredith gave a playful twirl and asked, "Do I pass the test?"

"With flying colors, Grey."

"Thanks" Meredith said, while rolling her eyes. Then she saw Derek still standing awkwardly, she gave an encouraging smile, coupled with a, 'Hi Derek." It seemed so insignificant to anyone watching, but to her it was the opposite.

"At a loss for words, and slightly annoyed by Rose's tugging on his sleeve, all he could do was return the hello.

"There was so much more they wanted to say to each other, but what was the right protocol? Did they hug? Give a kiss on the cheek? Or use Derek's preference, one on the lips?

"While everyone else watched the drama unfold, Meredith decided to break the silence, "I'm sure that the four year absence hasn't ruined our ability to give a friendly hug, huh Derek?"

"No, it hasn't." Derek gave a relieved smile and carefully drew Meredith into his arms. It was brief, so it didn't ruffle any feathers or provoke knowing glances from her friends. The warmth that spread through them, in particular Derek was undeniable.

"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too, but there's no need for this awkwardness, okay? Relax, we're different people now and we can peacefully co-exist." Meredith whispered to him.

"Yeah, co-exist." Derek echoed.

Meredith smiled in response, and reclaimed her seat back next to Cristina

As Derek sat down next to Rose, he couldn't help but wonder at Meredith. She had really grown up. She faced things rather than avoid them, he had never seen her more sure of herself. The one thing that hadn't changed was her beauty, she was still as captivating as ever, and the permanent sparkle in her eye only added to it. Derek was suddenly overcome with a case of 'what-if?'

He was drawn from his thoughts as laughter erupted from the table and he saw Alex and Cristina laughing at something Meredith was showing them on her phone.

"I wonder what we should 'Mc' him, Mer" Cristina mused.

Him. Derek had almost forgotten that Meredith had a boyfriend in London. He assumed it was still just a boyfriend because he didn't see a ring on her finger. Mark had only told him brief things about Meredith's London life; it wasn't a topic Derek liked to think about.

Cristina soon brought him out of his musings by drunkenly asking, "Hey Izzie? How goes the wedding plans,? Now that the made-of-honor finally got her ass back to Seattle, her and the best man can help speed up the proceedings."

That statement caused the entire table to freeze.

"Izzie!" Meredith shrieked

"Mark!" Derek demanded

"You have got to be kidding me!" Rose shrieked.

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