Jealous derek again

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Derek Shepherd was angry. He was angry and he was tired. He was angry, he was tired and he was jealous. Yes, he was still jealous.

He was tired from the lack of sleep, due to Rose keeping him awake with her incessant whining about Cristina.

Therefore, he was angry due to the lack of sleep.

And finally, he was jealous because Meredith still had a Lachlan, when all he wanted her to have was a Derek.

Plus, as if the Gods up above didn't hate him enough as it was, he had to have dinner with Izzie and Mark tonight, which meant that Meredith would be there, and her boyfriend and quite possibly the rest of Bailey's ex-interns. Once again his private life would be the source of entertainment.

Sometimes, in his darkest moments, Derek wondered what he did in his past life to deserve the atrocities that the fates were dealing him with now.

So with that thought, Derek approached the Meredith's front door, but before he could raise his hand to knock his hand to knock, the door swung open, and Derek found himself face to face with Lachlan.

"Hey...Derek. I saw you through the glass and thought I'd save you the trouble..." Lachlan offered.

" What ? Save me the trouble of raising my hand so that I could perform a knocking sound?" Derek asked, with just a touch of sarcasm.

Lachlan opened his mouth to respond, but decided against it.

"Sorry...That was out of line." Derek said.

Lachlan simply offered a small nod. "Look, why don't we just wipe the slate clean and start of on a better note?" Lache suggested. "...for Meredith's sake at least, and so that Izzie doesn't skin us alive."

" you've already learnt that about Izzie?" Derek laughed

"Yeah I have." Lachlan replied, offering an outstretched hand. "So what do you say?"

" I think we can put aside our differences." Derek agreed, reluctantly shaking Lachlan's hand. Why did the guy have to be so nice? It would be so much easier for Derek if Lachlan were an arrogant ass; at least his hatred would be justified then

"Alright then." Lachlan said as he stepped aside, so that Derek could make his way into the house.

The two men walked through to the lounge room where Cristina , Meredith and Alex were congregated. Soon enough, their chatter ceased when they noticed Derek and Lachlan walk in.

Alex and Cristina exchanged smirks, already calculating what would happen before the night was out, while Meredith looked at the two men in her life; two men that she loved, but in completely different ways.

One man offered her safety, a sense of stability, happiness- a comfortable love.

The other man offered her a burning desire, spontaneity, possible heartbreak- a passionate love.

"You guys don't look like your about to kill each other. What's up with that?" Cristina asked, as she shoved some pretzels in her mouth.

"Thanks for that Cristina." Derek dryly responded. "We're adults, we can contain ourselves. By the way, I don't think that Izzie would appreciate you ruining your appetite before dinner, especially since she put so much effort into it." Derek told her, gesturing to the bag of pretzels Cristina was holding.

"Shut Up. By the way, where's your keeper?" Cristina taunted.

Alex, Meredith and Lachlan looked on in amusement as they watched Derek and Cristina sneer at each other.

"I take it you're referring to Rose, and she couldn't make it. She had a late surgery. But since you took the time to ask after her, I'll let her know you wanted to speak with her." Derek smiled.

"You do that and I'll come to your trailer one night, drug you and then shave your head." Cristina told him, with all the seriousness in the world

"You've been told Derek." Meredith pointed out as she choked back laughter at Derek's horrified face. "All that beautiful hair would be such a waste if it wasn't on your head."

" I think I'll keep my mouth shut." Derek replied, secretly happy that Meredith had spoken to him.

"At least you have some brains." Cristina told him.

"Leave the man alone. Do you want a drink Derek?" Lachlan asked, moving towards the kitchen.

Derek paused for a moment, thrown by his courtesy, it must be the English in him, Derek thought. He didn't want to think of the real reason for Lachlan's hospitality.

"Sure, scotch if you have any."

"Okay. Mer, Cristina, Alex, you want anything?" Lachlan wanted to know

"Tequila." Meredith replied.

"Of course." Lachlan smirked. "Anyone else?"

Alex shook his head, while Cristina just requested a beer.

"He's not going to poison it, is he?" Derek asked Meredith, once Lachlan had gone into the kitchen.

Meredith glared at him. "No Derek, you safe." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I don't blame the guy for being suspicious." Alex put in. "I would be, especially since its Derek's ex-girlfriends boyfriend getting him a drink."

"Thanks for that Alex." Meredith said.

"I agree with Meredith, Lachlan isn't Rose, he's not the type of guy to put arsenic in someone's drink as a means to sabotage the enemy." Cristina pointed out.

"You do realize that's my girlfriend you're talking about?" Derek said, not really caring about what Cristina had said, but feeling obliged to make a comment.

"I realize this, but you said yourself that she can be a bit...territorial." Cristina answered. "At least Lachlan is going about his tactics the right way."

Alex had to laugh at this, knowing exactly what Cristina was thinking, but Meredith didn't find it amusing.

"What are you talking about? Lache doesn't have any tactics, what would he need them for? He hasn't got anything to worry about." Meredith said.

However, the quick look that Derek and her exchanged acknowledged that this was far from the case.

"Whatever you say Mer." Cristina mused.

"Don't start something Cristina, whatever you're concocting in your head...just don't." Meredith said firmly, and with that she turned on her heel, heading into the kitchen wanting to see what was taking Lachlan so long.

Derek looked at Cristina and Alex with an amused glance.

"You better up your game McDreamy." Cristina told him. "Because the Brit is already one step ahead."

"I agree." Alex said. "He's playing nice, but at the same time...very wisely. He knows what to use to get on Mer's good side when it comes to you."

"This isn't a competition. "Derek told them, trying not to smile. "But two can play this game. He may have won the battle, but he won't win the war."

Derek would have to take a leaf out of Lachlan's' book, he decided as he saw Lachlan walk out of the other door of the kitchen whispering something on his cell phone. It was the first rule of battle and very simple:

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

And with that thought Derek couldn't help but wonder what had got the Englishman so riled up.

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