It had nearly been 4 days

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It had been nearly four days since Meredith had heard from Lachlan. It wasn't that Meredith couldn't survive if she didn't hear his voice, because she most defiantly could, the last four days have proven that she could, its just that she would go insane if she didn't speak to him.

If she were in this same situation one year ago, there is no way that Meredith would begin to act the way she was now. She'd probably just pass it off, thinking he's on call, or there's been some huge emergency and he's stuck at the crash site or he decided to crash at the hospital because his shifts were back to back. If it had been a year ago, she would have thought he was out drinking with the guys, drinking with Justin and she just kept calling at the wrong time. Except one year ago, Justin was alive and now, one year later, he was dead. This meant that while most of the aforementioned scenarios could be true, they could also be highly unlikely, because Meredith was aware of Lachlan's behavior over the last couple months and now that she wasn't there to monitor it, she was extremely worried.

So for about the zillionth time in four days Meredith paced the hallway, while the phone remained surgically attached to her ear. And for the zillionth time in four days, the phone simply ran out. She was sure that she had not only been driving herself slowly insane, but she had been driving Izzie, Mark, Alex and Lexie quickly insane, with her constant moving around and hyper activity, which was a result of all the coffee she kept consuming in order to stay awake, in case Lachlan decided to return one of her phone calls

She had been so sure that by the end of the third day both Izzie and Lexie were going to commit her to psych. Lexie was going to commit her, because Meredith's constant movement up and down the creaky staircase was interrupting her sleep, which she wasn't getting much of because she still had that cold.Whereas Izzie was about ready to commit Meredith so that the psych ward would pump her enough pills so that she would be sane again for Izzie's wedding and not end up competing with Aunt Edna for the craziest guest award.

So as Meredith enjoyed her forty-fourth leisurely pace for that morning, and twentieth one since the others left for Seattle Grace, she caught a look at her reflection in the hall mirror and instantly turned up her nose. Her hair had completely dried out and was almost to the point where it could stand up on its own, her eyes had black circles under them, her skin was slightly clammy from the constant nervousness and her faded pink nightgown had coffee stains on it.

Meredith quickly realized that the constant pacing and neglect for her personal hygiene would not make Lachlan call any faster, so she decided she would clean herself up then go pace at the hospital, at least then she could find someone top talk to and possibly annoy with her concerns.

Yes, that's exactly what she would do.


" I'm telling you Mark, she has gone insane." Izzie told him, as they scrubbed out of surgery. It was very rare that the two of them got the opportunity to operate together, since Mark was plastics and Izzie had chosen to specialize in OB, so Izzie was determined to make the most of Mark's presence and vice her concerns about Meredith.

"She's not insane Iz, she's in love..." Mark paused and then continued, "Did I just say that?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, you did." Izzie told him, equally concerned.

Mark simply shook his head as he held the scrub room door open and they continued talking as they walked down the hall.

"I just wish he would call, you know? She's nearly sick with that, she will get sick with worry if she doesn't hear from him."

"I don't know what to tell you Iz, do you want me to get on the next plane to London find him, just so we can all have a good night's sleep?" Mark asked, with a teasing tone.

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