Where is dereks head at

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" If you kiss her, she'll think you're handsome, and then you can have a baby...just like me."

Derek couldn't help but laugh as he recounted Georgia's completely innocent, yet somewhat very wise words.

Maybe Derek should just kiss Meredith. Just kiss her senseless until she wouldn't be able to do anything, but fall into his arms and live happily ever after.

Okay, that even sounded sappy in Derek's head.

Derek knew that if he were to put Georgia's four year old wisdom into action, Meredith was very likely to put even more distance between them. Meredith would never physically betray Lachlan; it just wasn't in her nature. That was one of the things Derek loved most about the blonde-haired, green-eyed girl who had stolen his heart all those years ago; she had one of the biggest hearts Derek had ever known. Derek had experienced Meredith's beautiful generosity and forgiveness first hand. He just hoped that she would be able to offer him some again, because if she did, Derek would die making sure it was the last time she did so.

Looking in the mirror, Derek continued on his quest to button up his white shirt, and then attempted to put his tie on. Tonight was the rehearsal dinner for Izzie and Mark's wedding. It was taking place two days before the wedding, because Mark wanted to spend his last night of bachelorhood drinking, and Izzie believed it was bad luck for the bride and groom to be in contact the night before they said 'I do'.

Derek was both dreading and looking forward to the evening ahead. It was pretty much common knowledge that Derek relished any opportunity to spend time in Meredith's company. However, tonight would he would have to share that precious time with Lachlan, plus he would have to see them in couple mode.

Over the last few weeks, Derek had realized how painful it must have been for Meredith to have to come to Seattle Grace everyday and see Derek and Addison attempt to salvage their marriage, and then not even one year later have to witness him and Rose try and develop a relationship.

Perhaps Derek's current suffering was karma coming and biting him right in the ass.

Furthermore, as glad as Derek was that Jolene had been the only sister able to take the time to come out for Mark's wedding, Derek was unable to escape her constant hints regarding the situation with Meredith. He could only imagine how bad it would get tomorrow, when his mother arrived. Derek would then have two Shepherd women ganging up on him, three if you counted little Georgia.

Maybe he should let Meredith know that his mother was coming out; because if Derek knew his mother at all, it was that when she was determined, she always got her way.

Lachlan and Meredith got ready for the rehearsal dinner in silence. This was definitely something new. Usually before Lachlan and Meredith went out anywhere together, there was always joking around about the upcoming event, they were normally relaxed, but not tonight. Both of them detested what had become of their relationship. They were no longer the couple that had lived together in London; they were not the couple that the staff at St. Mary's loved to tease.

It felt as though the very foundations of Lachlan and Meredith were falling apart and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Although Lachlan knew what Meredith had said about him needing help was true, the fact that he had hurt the woman he loved to such an extent, tore at his heart.

Deep down Lache knew that he needed to get his act together. Ever since Justin had been killed, Lachlan had been on a downward spiral, taking Meredith with him. It was no longer fair. Something had to give. Lachlan was just afraid that ultimately, it would be his relationship with Meredith.

Lachlan was brought out of his thoughts by Meredith exiting the bathroom. Even though it had been two and a half years since he had first laid eyes on Meredith Grey, he still got a little weak in the knees every time she stepped into his line of vision; tonight was no exception.

Meredith was wearing a knee length, strapless red dress. Her hair was pulled back in a curled bun, with additional curls cascading down, and she had attached a small flower to her bun for effect.

"You look beautiful Mer." Lachlan breathed.

Those four words had meant the world to Meredith, considering the tension that existed between them.

"Thank-you. You don't look so bad yourself." Meredith said, gesturing to the crisp black suit Lachlan was wearing.

Meredith immediately began to fuss with Lachlan's collar, even though there was nothing wrong with it in the first place.

Lachlan grabbed Meredith's hand, halting her movements. He gently kissed her, and then asked the question that had been haunting them for days.

"We'll be okay, won't we?"

"I don't know. I hope so."


About twenty minutes later, they were both ready and made their way downstairs to meet Izzie and Mark, since they were all traveling together. As they walked downstairs, Izzie and Mark walked into the foyer to meet them.

"Looking good Mer." Izzie said.

"You too." Meredith smiled.

"Lachlan, I see you're looking sexy as always." Izzie laughed, knowing it would get a reaction form her fiancé.

"What about me?" was Mark's expected reply.

"That goes without saying." Izzie replied, straightening his bow tie.

This didn't go unnoticed by Lachlan.

"A bow tie?" Lache laughed.

"Shut up. Izzie made me wear it." Mark insisted.

"You are whipped." Lachlan stated. Meredith nodded her head in agreement.

"I'm not whipped...just in love." Mark said, knowing how cheesy it was.

Izzie choked back a snort of laughter, while Meredith was the one to answer.

" I'm sure that's the reason Mark. Knowing you, you probably made Izzie give you your reward for wearing before you put it on."

"Wouldn't you like to know." Mark winked.

"Okay! I think it's time we go before things start to get dirty." Lachlan suggested.

"I agree." Izzie said.

The four of them left, anticipating an eventful evening.

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