Shes home

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Meredith Grey was finally home. Not just home for a visit or another wedding, but actually home. For Good. There was so much that needed to be done, mainly figuring out all the transfer details St Mary's had sent to Seattle Grace and filling out a million forms that went along with it. However, Meredith tried not to think about that right now, as she lay in her old bed, staring at the ceiling, curling herself around a sleeping Derek.


Meredith was finally back in Derek Shepherd's arms, after four very long years. Meredith moved her body down, so that she was able to lay her head directly over Derek's heart. Although she knew that this was actually real, the feel of his heart beating provided a comfort that she was unable to explain.

"This is real Meredith. You and Me. We're actually here...together." Derek said, with his eyes closed and a knowing smile gracing his lips.

Meredith widened her eyes, and raised her head a little. "How did you...." she asked, incredulously.

Derek let out a laugh, his chest rising and falling with it, and once again, Meredith savored the tiny action. "Because I know you."

"Yeah...." Meredith trailed off, letting his words trail sink in.

"What's wrong?" Derek immediately asked, sensing her quick change in mood.

"It's nothing...not really...I" Meredith took a deep breath. "You said that you know me Derek, but...I...while that may have been true four years ago...I've changed Derek. I'm not that same girl who left here...and I guess I'm just scared that when you get to know the new me, that..."

"That what?" Derek prompted softly.

"That maybe... you won't love her as much as the old one." Meredith finished, hating herself for letting insecurity get the better of her.

"Hey, hey, look at me." Derek demanded, sitting up, forcing Meredith to meet his eyes. Derek brought his hand to her soft face, caressing the hair that had fallen in front of her eyes, away.

"How could you even think that, Mer? Not loving you is something that I cannot even imagine. At the risk of sounding incredibly cheesy and getting slapped upside the head by you...Mer, I'm pretty sure I loved you before I even met you..."

"Derek..." Meredith groaned. " You're right, if I had the energy I would slap you for saying something so incredibly awful."

"I'm allowed to, especially when you doubt how I feel about you." Derek replied, searching her eyes for a answer.

Meredith could see the sadness in his face. "Derek...I know you love me, I know that...but like I said, I'm different now, I have different tastes and views and I'm just scared that once you really get to know me again, you'll be disappointed."

"No, Mer. I won't be." Derek shifted positions so that he was eye level with Meredith. "You say that you've changed...I know that Mer, I knew that the moment I saw you again at Joe's, the night you came back. I knew that you were no longer the same girl that left here; you had strength and a fight that I had never seen before. A light in your eyes that I had missed so much, but despite all of that...Meredith...I had never wanted you more, than I did in that moment."

Meredith looked at Derek, seeing the sincerity ion his face. Seeing the love.

When Meredith didn't reply, Derek continued.

"You may be different Meredith, but that's the fun part. We get to rediscover each other. We don't get to start again and forget the past, because I believe our past is what makes us who we are, and who we will become, but we get to know each other all over again. That's the exciting part. "

"Hmmmmm." was all that Meredith said, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Derek. "We get to know each other again." Meredith pondered as she nodded her head.

"And Meredith..." Derek began.


"I do know you." Derek told her firmly. "I know the things that matter. Just like how I knew that a couple of minutes ago, you were wondering if all this was real...I know you." Derek smiled, kissed her lips softly and continued. "I know that when you think something's funny, your lip rises on the right side of your face as you tried to hide your laughter, because you know it would be inappropriate to show it at the time. I know that when you're nervous, you push your hair behind your ears, and when you're concentrating, you tie your hair back, as if for some reason it helps you work better. I know that you like to cut your toast into quarters, and that your eyes sparkle on a cold day, because you love to rug up in a scarf and jacket. I know you Meredith...I've told you this before, and I'll keep telling you until you believe me." Derek finished.

Meredith shook her head in wonderment, all doubt leaving her. She lunged forward, grabbing Derek by surprise and pressing her lips to his.

"God, I love you!" Meredith breathed, as she pulled back.

"I love you too." Derek smiled.

"Let's just lay here for a bit longer." Meredith suggested, resuming her previous position on his chest. "I don't feel like dealing with the outside world just yet."

"You just don't want to unpack all your crap yet." Derek grinned; letting is eyes fall on her luggage that was still in suitcases.

"Who would? And how did you...?" Meredith began.

"I told you Mer, I know you." Derek chuckled, tickling her side.

All that could be heard was the happy laughter of two soul mates, finally reunited.

The end

‼️Disclaimer ‼️

Credits to : Greysister

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