What is meredith gonna do

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Meredith Grey was screwed. Considering her past, this news should not be so surprising. However, due to the fact that over the last four years, Meredith's life had been for most of the part, completely drama free, it was surprising.

Of course, the one downside to this angst free life was that there had been no Derek Shepherd in it; and as Meredith had recently learned, sometimes having Derek around made her life more exciting.

This fact was exactly the reason why Meredith Grey was screwed, because Meredith had a Lachlan, which meant that she couldn't...she shouldn't have a Derek.

Meredith really had no idea what to do.

After she had come from the dance lesson, Izzie and Mark had gone straight to bed, arguing over who stepped on whose toes the most, but Meredith had decided to sit out on the swing chair on her porch.

There was something so calming about feeling the night air brush across your skin; almost as though it holds whispered secrets; as though it holds knowledge of the future.

Meredith Grey would pay a fortune if she could hear just one of those secrets; she just wanted anything that would help her gain a clear headspace.

Deep down, in the depths of her heart, Meredith knew what she should do, but she couldn't forget the pain and heartbreak that she had encountered the last time she had decided to follow her heart.

The last few years with Lachlan had been amazing. He was one of the greatest men she had known, and will ever have the opportunity of knowing. He was absolutely perfect for her in everyway; he was perfect on paper and in her head. Meredith did love Lachlan; she really did, but just not in the same way as she loved Derek.

However, Meredith wasn't the type of person, who could just abandon someone she loves, someone who she cares about. Meredith knew what that felt like, and that was her hesitation in deciding whether or not she should move forward with Derek.

Also, moving forward with Derek meant moving back to Seattle, and Meredith already had a life in London. She would be leaving behind her position at St. Mary's, her friends, especially Jessie, Lachlan's family (who had become like her own family).

Suddenly, Meredith was brought out of her thoughts, by the ringing of her cell phone. Reaching into her jacket pocket, Meredith took out her cell phone, and checked the caller ID, it was Jessie. Speak of the devil, Meredith thought.

"Where on earth have you been?" Jessie accused as Meredith picked up the phone.

"Well hello to you too." Meredith smiled.

"Whatever." Jessie replied. "You better have a damn good excuse for not calling me over the last week."

"Sorry, Jess, I've just been so busy, with the wedding, and with Lexie...and with Lachlan. Did you know I had to go to a dancing lesson tonight?" Meredith laughed.

"Izzie's really going all out isn't she?" Jessie said, "And no, I had didn't have a clue that you were going dancing, because you haven't called me."

"Okay, I get it, I'm a bad friend."

"Just as long as you understand that." Jessie teased. "So you said that you have been busy with Lachlan...?" she trailed off, not wanting to say too much more in case Lachlan hadn't spoken to Meredith yet.

"Yeah, we had a bit of a rough patch about a week or so ago, but we're back on track now." Meredith replied.

"Oh good." Jessie said in relief. "I'm so glad that he told you. I said to him that you would understand."

"Understand what Jessie?" Meredith inquired. "What should he have told me?"

"Oh...um, what...what rough patch are you referring too?" Jessie asked, trying to bide herself some time. This is what happened when people assumed.

"I'm talking about Lachlan getting upset that Derek knew about Justin, and how Lache dealt with it." Meredith told Jessie, frustration creeping up in her voice. "What are you talking about Jessie?"

"Nothing. Don't worry..."

"Tell me!"

Derek walked in Joe's bar, about half an hour after the dance lesson, feeling a little more confident about Meredith than he had two hours ago. However, as he looked around the bar, he saw something, or should he say someone, that caused his newfound confidence to slightly waver.

Lachlan was sitting on the bar stool, nursing what appeared to be a glass of coke.

Attempting to play nice, Derek made his way over to Meredith's boyfriend; Derek hated that term

"Hey Lachlan." Derek began. "I see your into the hard stuff." Derek joked, gesturing to the coke.

"Yeah." Lachlan smiled, in acknowledgement. " Alex and George left about ten minutes ago, I though I'd have soft drink to sober up a little bit. I don't want to go home to Mer drunk...you know the story."

Derek winced. "I'm sorry about that. I...I just didn't...I don't want to see Meredith hurt. I still...care about her."

Lachlan let out a soft laugh. " You don't just care about her, you still love her."

Derek couldn't deny that.

"Your going to try and fight for her aren't you?" Lachlan asked, revealing the fear he had been holding inside over the last few days.

"I believe that Mer and I still have a chance." Derek admitted, there was no use lying.

" I believe that Mer and I have a future as well." Lachlan told Derek firmly. "And that belief is the reason that I am still here in Seattle and not flying back to London, in fear that you will succeed in changing her mind."

"Lachlan, I don't want to start trouble. Derek said.

Lachlan scoffed at that. "Do you seriously expect me to just sit back and let you steal my girlfriend away, after we have been together for two and half years?"


"No! Mer and I have been together longer than you and she ever were! You may have known her longer, but I know her better." Lachlan replied.

Those words cut Derek deep in his heart. They were true. Derek and Meredith had only ever been together for a few months. They had never really taken the time to know everything about one another, there were always obstacles in their way; wives, dead mothers, Finn, drowning, house plans, Rose....

"I hit a nerve, didn't I?" Lachlan asked, feeling a little guilty at his words.

"You may know her better, on paper, but I know her heart. I always have and I always will." Derek vowed.

"You know what she said to me, about four months after we started dating?" Lachlan asked, not waiting for a reply. "She finally told me all about you, about everything that went on, she was so hurt, so angry...."

"Cut to the point." Derek replied, a sense of dread creeping inside his stomach.

"She said you were a one night stand that stayed one and a half years too long."

Derek felt himself die inside.

It seems that Round two had gone to Lachlan.

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