Jealous Derek

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Isobel Stevens and Mark Sloan were getting married in approximately three weeks.

This meant that the bride in question was officially freaking out. There were so many problems, that Izzie was practically hyperventilating;

Izzie was having trouble cooperating with the caterers

Mark had managed to offend the his tailor

The maid of honor and best man were at odds

The bridesmaid dresses that Izzie had wanted were unavailable, due to time constraints

And too make matters worse, the reception hall had moved the Stevens-Sloan wedding to another area, with only half the view, due to a VIP wedding.

So as one would imagine, Izzie was driving every person in close proximity insane. Since Meredith was in Seattle on vacation, she had managed to help Izzie out while the latter was at the hospital, but she could only do so much. Even Lachlan had tried calling the caterers and reach some sort of compromise.

Mark had taken great pleasure in telling Derek about this small fact, knowing that it would rile his best friend up; anything to do with Meredith and her boyfriend would get him angry.

"I get it Mark, Lachlan is a great guy...he's fact, if you like him so much why don't you ask him to be you're best man?" Derek asked, with a hint of bitterness.

"Hey, no need to act so snappy missy. It doesn't suit you. In fact, if you keep acting like this, one might make the assumption that you're jealous. But you don't get jealous..." Mark taunted, as they walked passed the nurses station.

"Yes...Fine, are you happy? I'm jealous. You've got what you wanted, so can you please spare me the details of Meredith's perfect life with her perfect boyfriend." Derek snapped.

"If you're so jealous then why the hell won't you do something about it.?" Mark asked.

"What? Weren't you the one telling me not to start any shit?" Derek replied, repeating Mark's words form a couple of nights ago.

"Yeah...I did, but...if you're going to act like this every time you see or hear anything about Meredith, then maybe you need to do something about it." Mark sighed.

"Do something? What could I possibly do that won't make me look like even more of a jackass?" Derek demanded.

"First thing you have to do is dump Rose, because the longer you stay with her, the longer Meredith is going to keep thinking that you are still in the same place you were four years ago."

"I know...I know that what I'm doing with Rose isn't fair to anyone...but, what if Meredith doesn't want me?" Derek asked, letting Mark see a flash of vulnerability on his friends face.

"Then she doesn't want you, and you have to genuinely move on, but not with Rose. You need to take some time by yourself, then see what's out there...but you need to see where Meredith is at first." Mark told him, as they stood in the middle of the corridor, with the doctors and nurses busily working around them.

"How do I do that? She won't speak to me, and I don't want to cause trouble between her and Lachlan."

"How do I do that? She won't speak to me, and I don't want to cause trouble between her and Lachlan."

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