Last night in London

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Derek had been in London with Meredith for the last five days, while she attempted to tie up all the lose ends that she had left there. It wasn't easy ending the last four years of her life. It was very bittersweet for Meredith, but thankfully Derek had been understanding and willing to help her. Derek knew that Meredith had built a life for herself in London over the last few years, and it would not be easy for her to leave behind.

St. Mary's Hospital had helped Meredith grow into a more confident and proficient doctor. The friends and people she had made during her time in London had helped save her from the pain and heartbreak that Seattle had caused her. London had fixed Meredith Grey, and that was something she would always be thankful for.

Derek and Meredith were leaving for Seattle on Friday, which just happened to be tomorrow, so therefore, the newly reunited couple found themselves having one last dinner with Jessie and her boyfriend, Dave.

Jessie and Meredith were in the kitchen; Jessie cooked while Meredith watched from afar, because Jessie insisted that Meredith was required to be a safe distance from any form of cooking and food preparation at all times. Derek was sitting in the lounge room on the sofa with Dave while the two guys drank beer and watched some sports program. Derek had taken an instant liking to Dave, but he had been unsure at first if Dave would be welcoming, considering that Dave and Lachlan were good friends, but that uncertainty had instantly diminished once he had met the man. Dave had a little bit of Mark's frank honesty, but was also very down to earth with a great sense of humor as well, so it was natural that the two men found themselves getting along.

Jessie poked her head quickly out of the kitchen door, looking at the guys laughing at something as they gestured wildly at the television.

"They seem to be getting along..." Jessie mused, watching as Meredith leaned on the counter, reading magazine.

"Hmmm....Yeah, I'm glad. I think Derek was a bit unsure of how you and Dave were going to act towards Lachlan and everything." Meredith admitted.

"Well he doesn't have anything to worry about. He's got my approval...despite everything that you had told me about him, the one thing I can't deny is that the guy loves you." Jessie told her, quickly stirring the sauce on the stove.

"Yeah...he does. I can't deny that now." Meredith replied.

"You did before?"

"No...I times...sometimes I had no idea where I stood in his life. He was all talk and no action. He would say things, and not act like he meant them. He may have meant the words, but he never really showed me...But now... now he shows me that he loves me and that means the world."

"I think the fact that he frantically hopped on a plane to come and serenade you back home is a good indication of that." Jessie laughed.

'I guess so." Meredith said, joining in the laughter.

"I'm really glad that you're happy Meredith...even if that means you're leaving us...Derek...he makes you happy, he puts the light back into your eyes." Jessie said.

"Thanks Jess. I don't want to leave you guys either, are you sure you don't want to come?" Meredith joked, attempting to hide the wave of sadness that suddenly washed over her.

"God no...I get enough of the rain and cold here." Jessie laughed. "But seriously Mer, we're going to miss you....even if you are doing the right thing."

"I didn't think that I would ever find it hard leaving this place. I came here to escape and begin again...I just didn't think that I would fall in love with London, and all the friends I made. I didn't think I would ever be able to see it as home, at least not in the same way I saw Seattle as...I didn't think I would be this sad." Meredith whispered.

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