She wouldn't be Derek Shepherd! Pt 2

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Meredith waked into her apartment a few days later and was stunned at the scene that lay before her. The apartment actually looked visible. For the first time in three months there we no clothes strewn over the sofa, no half full bottles of scotch on the countertop and most of all there was actually another human being in the apartment.

He looked up and offered a uncertain certain smile, and Meredith watched as his eyes, which complemented his dark brown hair so wonderfully, took her in. She could see the apprehensiveness in them and while she knew that now was the time for her to scream at him, and tell him how she felt, she just could not bring herself to do it.

Meredith suddenly found herself remembering a time four years ago, when her and Derek were in a similar situation.

"I do love you. Can't you see?"

"I can't leave you, because I'm in it"

"Put me out of my misery"

Meredith was jolted back from memory lane by a hesitant touch to her cheek.

"Lachlan.", was all that she managed to get out. Her voice was laced with curiosity and perhaps a little defeat.

It was the first time in a while that they had managed to be in the same place while it was still daylight.

"I...I spoke to Jessie today." Lachlan said.

"Look ...whatever she said...I...It's not..." Meredith rambled

"Hey...Hey... just listen please?" he interrupted, and Meredith couldn't help but notice that for once he didn't smell like scotch.

It was times like these, when he had that wistful, loving look on his face that made Meredith forget about the bad times, and forget about a certain dreamy surgeon in Seattle.
For the last two and a half years Lachlan had been in her life, and for every minute that he was with her, was a minute spent not actively thinking about Derek

"You know it's not everyday that a beautiful lady literally throws herself at me.", stated the good-looking, but clearly cocky man.

"I most certainly did not throw myself at you." Meredith argued, while attempting to fix her hair and readjust her scrub top which had twisted due to her fall.

"Yes...Yes you did. If my memory serves me correctly, two minutes ago you had your arms out in front of you and then landed practically in my lap. If you weren't throwing yourself at me, then what were you doing? Going for a belly flop?"

"I tripped. I tripped over and thankfully you caught me. It was much appreciated, but it was by no means intentional."

"Whatever you say, I'm just glad you did. But for the record, many women would be very happy to have a chance to be in my arms."

Is that so?" Meredith asked, intrigued by him. "I'm Meredith, Meredith Grey"

"Well, Meredith, Meredith Grey, my name's, Lachlan, Lachlan Jackson."

Lachlan was a paramedic at St Mary's and had started about a year and a half after Meredith. He was the one guy that had finally managed to deter her thoughts from Derek, and he had been successful, up until now.

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