What is Lachlan keeping from mer

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Lachlan didn't come back to the house until around midnight, and Meredith was definitely pissed off, so that compounded with Lachlan's anger made for lots of tension and two extremely pissed off people.

Lachlan opened the bedroom door, prepared to creep in without disturbing Meredith, only to find her sitting on the edge of her bed, arms crossed and a fire in her eyes.

They were two very stubborn individuals, so neither of them really wanted to break the ice. However, Meredith couldn't keep her frustration at bay any longer.

"Nice of you to finally show up!" Meredith spat. "Did the barman finally kick your sorry ass out?" Meredith knew it was a low blow, but she couldn't help herself.

"I didn't go to a bar, but thanks so much for your faith in me!" Lachlan almost yelled.

"Keep your voice down." Meredith hissed. "People are trying to sleep, especially Lexie, the pregnancy keeps her tossing and turning."

"Sorry." Lachlan muttered.

" You damn well should be. What were you thinking just walking out like that? You didn't even bother to listen to my side of the story..."

"I know...I...it just felt a little humiliating, you know? Having your girlfriends ex-boyfriend know that you have made her miserable. I mean...I'm supposed to be better than him!" Lachlan ranted.

Meredith felt his last words pierce through her. A few years ago, she would have agreed with him one hundred percent, but now her emotions were all over the place.

"You can't keep doing this Lachlan...I've tried, I've tried so hard... I just need you to want to get better. Not for me, but for you. You can't go into a rage every time that Justin's name is mentioned or when someone finds out how you dealt with his death." Meredith told him.

"You want to leave me?" Lachlan asked, fear etched in his voice.

"No! No, I just...I need you to want to help yourself, I can't keep excusing your behavior, there comes a time when you have to move on, even though it hurts so bad."

Lachlan couldn't help but acknowledge the truth of Meredith's words.

"I know." Lachlan whispered.

Meredith grabbed his hand, and replied, "I'm really sorry that Derek found out, but if it means anything, I think he's sorry for throwing it in your face."

"You spoke to him?" Lachlan asked, a nervous feeling bubbling up. "What did you guys talk about?"

Meredith suddenly felt guilty, physically she had nothing wrong, but emotionally she felt as though she had betrayed Lachlan; she hadn't tried to stop Derek when he told her that he was going to fight for her.

Perhaps a part of her really wanted him too.

"Oh...um, we just talked about the fight you two had..." Meredith smiled knowingly.

"Yeah..." Lachlan replied sheepishly, "Is that all?"

"Yep, why was there something else?" Meredith wondered.

Now was the time to tell her, she was in the right mood, if he told her now, she would not be pissed later on, Lachlan thought.

"Nope. Nothing. He didn't make me out as too much of an ass, did he?" Lachlan joked

"Oh he did...a huge one." Meredith teased.

"Good to know."

That night both Meredith and Lachlan slept, with denial clouding their minds.


"So I ended things with Rose." Derek declared to Mark the next day, as they walked into Seattle Grace.

Mark let out a not so subtle whoop of literal joy, attracting the attention of a couple of nurses walking ahead of them.

"Keep your voice down, I don't want Rose to feel too awkward." Derek told him.

"No, you just don't want your private life to be the showcase of the hospital again." Mark said.

"Is that too much to ask for?" Derek wondered.

"At Seattle Grace, such a request is definitely too much to ask for." Mark replied. "By the way, you are so lucky Mer wasn't pissed at the fact that you told Lachlan you knew about his business, because if she had, your life would not be worth living today, or mine for that matter. Izzie was so angry, but Meredith's assurance defused that fast."

"Sorry about that." Derek said. "Lachlan and I just got into a bit of a fight...I spoke before I thought."

'So nothing out of the ordinary?" Mark teased. "It didn't take you long to pick a fight with the guy, I have to admit, I was waiting for it."

"Thanks so much for your faith in me." Derek replied.

'It wasn't about faith Derek, I know how you operate. Anyway, what got you so riled up, up until yesterday you had managed to keep your jealousy at bay?"

Derek glared at him before answering. "You can't tell Mer this, or anyone, but...Lachlan I think he's keeping something from Mer."

Mark's sigh caused Derek to continue. "You knew? Do you know..."

"No I don't know anything Derek, but I suspected something a while back, just from something he said and how he looked, I tried to brush it off, but now you mention it..."Mark told him.

"It wouldn't be anything too bad, would it?"

"Why do you care? I thought you'd be happy that he's hiding things, it gives you an edge. I'm assuming that getting Mer back was partly why you gave Rose the shaft?"

"I care because I don't want to see her hurt. Anyway, you didn't answer my question." Derek said.

"I don't think he'd intentionally hurt her, so it couldn't be anything like cheating or something like that. But whatever it is, Lachlan seems to think that it could jeopardize their relationship, otherwise he wouldn't be hiding it." Mark concluded.

"This whole thing's a mess." Derek groaned.

"And it's going to get even bigger my friend." Mark informed him.

"Why?" Derek asked wearily.

"Well the Izzie's decided that the wedding party has to have dance lessons next weekend so we don't look like major dickheads in front of the 100 guests."

"I don't dance."

"If I have to, you do. Besides, it's one on one time with Meredith." Mark smirked.

"You know Mark? For once, you actually speak sense." Derek smiled.

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