Derek is overreacting

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Derek was walking down the stairs of Seattle Grace and towards his office, when he came across a group of four people. One of those people was Meredith Grey. She was standing around the coffee cart with Izzie, Mark and Cristina, laughing and smiling about something. Probably sharing her joyful news, Derek thought bitterly.

Derek decided to change his path of direction so that he would avoid having to speak to the group. The anger was still bubbling, perhaps even more so than the night before, now that he had the evening to process everything. His jealousy wasn't helped by the fact that Rose kept bringing up the fact that Meredith was pregnant. Derek swore that she was doing it on purpose, just to see how far she could push him. Derek left the trailer extra early, so that he wouldn't find himself in front of a grand jury facing a murder charge.

As Derek tried to duck his head and walk in the opposite direction, he soon found that luck was not on his side.

"Hey! Derek? Is that you? Come over here..." Mark called.

Great. Just Great. Derek was not in the mood to socialize, he had already been abrupt with everyone this morning he had come into contact with this morning, and he knew that it was about to get worse.

As Derek reluctantly made his way over, Meredith caught his eye and smiled as if nothing was wrong; like she wasn't about to rip Derek's heart in two. Derek couldn't bring himself to smile back, he could still see a hint of paleness in her face, and the reason for it made him sick.

"Hey." Derek curtly greeted the group

"You alright?" Mark asked, frowning.

"Yeah, long day."

"It's only 11.30 in the morning. "Izzie said as she looked at her watch.

Derek shot her a dirty look, which didn't go unnoticed by Meredith or Mark for that matter.

"No need to get so snappy Derek." Mark warned him.

"What?" Derek spat, barely realizing why Mark was so angry.

"Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning McDreamy?" Critina asked, as she sipped her coffee.

"Do not push me Dr. Yang." Derek told her firmly.

Sensing the tension, Izzie decided to intervene.

"So Derek, did you hear the good news?" Izzie wondered.
So it was true. It was real. Derek really had lost Meredith forever.

"No, what good news?" Derek asked mimicking Izzie.

This caught the attention of the entire group

"Derek , seriously, what is up your ass today?" Mark asked with a hint of anger.

"What are you doing here Meredith?" Derek wanted to know, ignoring Mark. He needed to hear it from her, that way he would have no choice but to accept it.

"'m here to see Lexie, as Izzie was trying to tell you before, she's...." Meredith began , but Derek interrupted when he saw her take a sip of the takeaway coffee in her hands."

"Is that decaf?" Derek asked.

"What? No. You know me Derek I could never drink decaf in the morning, or ever for that matter... It's my regulkar coffee, I can finally drink it because the nausea has gone down" Meredith laughed, with a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Well, I thought that considering the circumstances..." Derek mused.

"What are you talking about McDreamy? You're even confusing me and I never get confused." Cristina told him.

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