Their Finally together

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It was quite possible that Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey had died and gone to heaven. The only way to describe how they were both feeling at that moment in time was just that; like they were in heaven.

Shortly after Meredith had taken the first step to rekindling their romance, she had decided to take Derek out and show him London; to show him the life she had lived for the last four years. So, they left Jessie's apartment, arms linked and hands intertwined and walked out of the limestone apartment complex.

Derek had felt like a child on Christmas morning. He was finally with the woman he loved more than anyone or anything else and he happened to be currently walking into one of the worlds most beautiful royal gardens. Meredith had been determined that Derek was see London in all its beauty, and a walk around Hyde Park was definitely the way to do it.

This place had become Meredith's sanctuary during her time in London. Hyde Park really was like a little city of its own. It had over four thousand trees, a meadow, a stunning lake that ran right through and it was picturesque at dusk. It was a place where a person could be left alone with their thoughts. There had been mornings where Meredith would get up extra early and just walk around the park breathing in the crisp air, finding the coldness that blew over her face, liberating.

Derek pulled Meredith to him, as they were dealt with a slight chill in the spring air. They could and would talk about the technicalities to do with their relationship later; right now they just wanted to just enjoy this moment.

Derek swiftly turned his head as he heard a fit of giggles erupt not too far from where he and Meredith had been walking. He smiled to himself, as he watched a couple out on the lake, rowing, or at least attempting too. It didn't seem to matter to the couple that they were splashing more than rowing; they were just basking in happiness. Derek turned to Meredith, watching as she closed her eyes, and breathed in the cool air. Derek knew that he would no longer have to envy couples like the one he had just seen, he was now one of those lucky ones. Other couples would envy Meredith and Derek, hoping that they could be lucky enough to find at least half of what they had.

"C'mon..." Meredith giggled, pulling Derek's hand.

"C'mon where?" Derek laughed, noticing the mischievous look in her eyes. God, how much he loved that look. The light that currently sparkled in her eyes was something that he never wanted to see disappear. Derek knew that they were bound to hurt each other along the way, but as long as they were both in it together, nothing would be too big for them to beat

"I want to show you some place." Meredith told him, pulling Derek's hand so hard that they were almost running.

"Hey, not so fast..." Derek whined.

"Oh, sorry I forgot that you're an old man." Meredith giggled.

"Would you like me too show you just how old I am?" Derek taunted, letting a dirty smirk grace his features.

"No porny thoughts." Meredith ordered. "You'll ruin the mood."

"The mood? Now I am intrigued." Derek joked.

"Do you have to turn everything dirty?" Meredith asked, as they continued what was now a fast walk, through the trees.

"I'm not the one..." Derek began, but was suddenly speechless as he took in the sight before him. "Wow..."

"I know." Meredith agreed.

There were no words that Derek could think of to describe the sight that lay before him. Exquisite did it no justice, neither did tranquil. It was just a place that was made for the imagination; you had to actually be there to make any sense of it.

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