Is it postive or Negative

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Meredith drove home as quickly as she could, without breaking any road laws, completely forgetting that she still felt a little bit sick After her and Lexie had spoken, Lexie had told Meredith to go to the drug store and get the pregnancy test. It had been an extremely long half and hour for both sisters.

Meredith suddenly thought back to her encounter with Derek and Rose. All she could do was thank the heavens above that the sales clerk had already put the test in the paper bag. Meredith knew that if Derek had seen the package he would have definitely jumped to the wrong conclusions. When Derek got upset, he lashed out, and it wasn't pretty for anyone involved.

Meredith pulled up to the house and quickly jumped out of the car and ran inside. She went quietly up the stairs, into her room and opened her bathroom door, where Lexie was waiting for her.

"Did you get it?" Lexie wondered quietly.

"Yeah, I bumped into Derek and Rose while I was there..."

"You didn't say anything?"

"Of course not."

"Good." Lexie breathed. "This is not the type of thing that everyone needs to know about just yet."

"We don't even know what the outcome will be either...'' Meredith reasoned, although considering the symptoms, it would likely be positive.

"So let's do this" Lexie said anxiously

"Yep. Let's do this" Meredith agreed nodding her head.

Due to an abundance of nerves, the sisters found themselves in the bathroom a good seven minutes later.

"Do you think I should take know, it might be wrong?"

"You need to make an appointment with OB."

"I can't we're not ready... not now."

"Oh God...I'm pregnant." Lexie whispered.

"You're pregnant alright." Meredith confirmed as she looked down at the stick in Lexie hand again.

Derek Shepherd was angry. No, actually, he was livid. Perhaps a little jealous too. He wasn't mad at Meredith, not really anyway. He was angry that he had let things turn out this way.

Meredith was pregnant. Well, she may be pregnant, which is why she brought the test, to confirm it.

If she didn't think there was a real possibility that it would be positive, Meredith wouldn't have gone to the drug store.

Derek thought back to the day before, when he went to her house to see if she was alright. She mustn't have had the flu, just feeling the symptoms of pregnancy. Had she suspected anything then?

How could he have been so oblivious? He had given her soup and water, hoping to make her feel better, when in actual fact he was taking care of the mother of another man's child. A child that did not belong to him. His Meredith was pregnant to another man. That thought alone was enough to make him want to throw up the last month's intake of food.

He hadn't spoken to Rose the entire trip home from the pharmacy. He had been blinded by rage and jealousy. He could see her with a smug smirk, chewing on her godforsaken jellybeans out of the corner of his eye, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

Although Derek knew that he had no right to be upset and that the situation really had nothing to do with him, he couldn't help but make it about himself. Derek had let her go off to London, thinking that he was building a life with Rose and that he was happy, so he couldn't blame Meredith. The thought of another man touching her, and creating a life with her just made his heart shatter into a million pieces, unable to ever be restored

This man, Lachlan, was getting everything Derek had wanted for himself. Four years ago, Derek had pushed Meredith for a future and instead of being patient and waiting for her to be ready, he ran away, wanting the happily ever after part right now. By giving her that ultimatum, he had practically pushed her into another man's arms, pushed her into having a baby with a man that wasn't him. From the moment he had met Meredith, he knew that he was done. She had saved him, and Derek had wanted nothing more than to hold her and never let her go. Derek had so badly wanted children with his bright blue eyes, her silky locks and fair skin. He had wanted his very own little McFamily, as Cristina would call it.

Except now he had nothing. He had a woman that he didn't love and a life that he had let spin so out of control that he didn't know how to stop it.

Derek suddenly realized that he would never have Meredith again. . The fealization came crashing down like a ton of bricks. Before, he had always had hope, but now that there was a child involved, he had nothing left to hold onto. Derek felt like he was a spectator in his own life, standing on the outside as he watched it drift by. Meredith would never abandon the father of her child. She would never allow her child to grow up like she did.

That thought made Derek love Meredith just that little bit more, despite how angry he was. He knew then that he was doomed to love her forever. Suddenly he wanted nothing more than for Meredith to get back on a plane to London, where he wouldn't have to see her. However, the fates were determined to punish him, because Meredith's boyfriend would be coming to Seattle, which meant that Derek would have to witness their cozy life.

So yes, Derek Shepherd was angry and when he was angry, he didn't bother to get his facts straight, he let it consume him, until there was nothing more to do, but lash out.

It wasn't going to be pretty.

Not one bit.

Everything would change.

And being so close to the wedding, Izzie would want to kill him.........

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