The Perfect Reunion/kiss

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To say that Derek Shepherd was on his last nerve  would probably be the understatement of the century. He had only got off a plane at Gatwick Airport about four hours ago, managed to secure a taxi, and was now sending the driver insane. Derek was sure that he was going to end up owing the driver over one thousand dollars in fares by the time he finally found Meredith.

If the nine hour flight wasn't antsy enough for Derek, the fact that he had never been to London before and found it unnerving that they drove on the other side of the road over here, was enough for him to pull out his hair. Derek had immediately headed for Meredith once he had gotten off the plane. He hadn't even considered booking a hotel, taking a deep breath then going to find Meredith. Derek Shepherd was on a mission. He had let he go once before, and he sure as hell wasn't going to do it again.

His first place to look had been Meredith's apartment, to which Lexie had given him the address, but after knocking on the door in vain for about five minutes, Derek finally acknowledged that no one was there and decided to go to St. Mary's thinking that perhaps Meredith had already returned to work. However, once he had got into the hospital on Winsland St , he found that Meredith had not been back to work since she left all those weeks ago.

Derek had however, learned from the desk clerk, that Meredith was actually staying with a fellow resident and friend named Jessie. So that was where Derek was currently headed: to his third destination for the day. Derek waited with anxiousness as the taxi at last pulled into Kendal St, which was walking distance from Hyde Park. London really was a stunning part of the world, Derek couldn't help but admire. He could see why Meredith loved it here so much; it was definitely a safe haven.

As Derek's driver parked outside the address that the hospital had given him, Derek paid the man, giving him extra for his troubles, grabbed his single duffel bag (because he had only packed lightly, since he was in such a rush), and made his way to the front door of the apartment complex, and headed toward the elevator.

Derek suddenly decided that he hated elevators, because this was the longest trip on one he had ever taken. As he made his way up, Derek thought about the blur that had been his life in the last twenty-four hours. After he had left Meredith's house, he was on autopilot; Derek had gone straight to the chief, telling him of his plans and refusing to listen to reason. It was the first time ever that Derek had put his personal life in front of his patients, but Derek refused to sit back and watch as Meredith left his life once again. He loved her far too much to go on without her. Derek had booked the next flight to London; packed a bag full of just bare essentials, grabbed his passport and left.

It was insane behavior, but Derek had never felt so liberated. He was finally doing something right. If the last few years had taught Derek anything, it was that once you love, you cannot take it back, you have to fight the heavens and the earth to keep it, and that was what he was doing.

After what felt like a lifetime, Derek reached his desired floor, and searched the apartment numbers until he found the one he was looking for.

Derek ran his hand through his disheveled locks, then took a deep breath and knocked. He didn't have to wait long, because soon enough, a woman who Derek assumed was Jessie, opened the door, with grilled cheese hanging out of her mouth and a bewildered expression.

Yep, Derek laughed to himself, he definitely had the right place. Jessie seemed like a friend Meredith would have.

Quickly swallowing her food, Jessie attempted to her apparent guest. "Hi...can...I help you?"

Derek smiled, turning into charm mode. "Hopefully...I'm actually looking for Meredith Grey, I was told she was staying here...."

"Yeah...." Jessie replied, looking a bit weary at the man before her. "Who are you?'

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