Whats going on in the household

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Suddenly the group heard a clutter of footsteps on the stairs and attempted to make themselves look busy as Meredith and Lachlan came back down. While one set of footsteps halted at the bottom of the stairs, the other set continued on a path towards the front door and beyond, slamming the door behind them.

The four people in the kitchen looked at one another, not sure what to do and not sure what to say. Izzie was preoccupied with staring at Mark, who was preoccupied with staring at Derek, who was preoccupied with staring at the kitchen door, wondering who would walk through it.

Derek's curiosity was soon answered as the kitchen door swung open and revealed a very pissed off looking Meredith.

Before anyone could speak, Meredith grabbed a bottle of tequila from the cupboard and took a giant swig, not even bothering with a shot glass.

As if suddenly remembering that there were other people in the kitchen, Meredith looked up from the bottle and stared at them; it seemed that everyone spoke at once.

"I told Mark not to say anything, but it appears that he just couldn't..."

"I didn't mean to..."

"Don't look at me; I had nothing to do with this."

Meredith suddenly held up her hand to silence them, taking in deep breaths at the same time.

"Don't...Just...just don't...It's not anyone's fault...not even you Derek so don't feel bad." Meredith said.

Everyone looked slightly stunned at Meredith's revelation.

"What do you mean it's no one's fault." Izzie asked, "Clearly its Mark's...."

"Oh that's right, blame it on me, I'm not the one who told him." Mark insisted

"Will you all just stop!" Meredith said, her voice raised. "I told you. No one is to blame."

"I know what you said Mer, but...I did let it slip that I knew what had happened, I really am sorry for that. I didn't have the right..." Derek murmured.

"No, you didn't." Meredith agreed, "...but, that whole situation, it just...you were going to find out anyway, stuff like that can't be kept quiet for long, not here anyway." Meredith added, looking at Mark.

"Is Lachlan okay?" Izzie wondered. "He just left..."

"He's pissed off, but I think he just overreacted, not that I'm excusing his behavior, not at all...I think he's just embarrassed about everyone knowing how the last few months have been...He's not proud of the way he's been handling things." Meredith replied.

Derek's mind suddenly thought of the fact that even though Lachlan may not be proud of his actions, he was still insistent on hiding something from Meredith.

"Where did he go?" Mark asked Meredith.

"I have no idea...heck he probably has no idea." Meredith said.

"He'll be home soon, I'm sure." Derek replied, as he attempted to reassure her.

Meredith offered him a smile, "I think a breather will do him good. I'm just sorry you all had to hear it."

"Don't be , it was fun." Cristina told her.

"Cristina!" Izzie reprimanded.

"Yeah thanks Cris." Meredith said.

"No problem."

After a few moments of silence, it was Izzie who spoke.

"Look, how about we order some take out, I mean...dinner is probably ruined by now..."

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