Lachlan's here

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"Derek Shepherd meet Lachlan Jackson...Meredith's boyfriend. He arrived late this afternoon." Mark introduced, willing the ground to swallow him up.

Mark was looking between Derek and Lachlan with a sick fascination, while they engaged in a staring war.

Two men, in love with the same woman, finally coming face to face; there was no way in hell this could end pretty.

Derek looked into Lachlan's eyes, taking in as much as he could about the man who would eventually become his competition. He had hazel eyes that were currently alight with a demanding fire, shorter hair that spiked up a little bit, a chiseled face and a five o'clock shadow. Derek had to admit that he was definitely the type of man that Meredith would go for and he hated it.

Lachlan found himself doing exactly what Derek was; sizing up the competition. In a way, it was good to finally put a face to the man that Meredith had told him all about; a face to the man that had broken her, and showed a blatant disregard for her feelings.

He looked to be about five or maybe more, years older than Lachlan. His eyes were a piercing blue, and he did have good hair, just like Meredith had said. Derek had a tired look about him, one that Lachlan could relate to after the last couple of months. He couldn't help but notice the slight tint of resentment and jealousy in the surgeon's eyes, and he knew in that instant Derek Shepherd was still in love with Lachlan's girlfriend. Perhaps this trip wasn't going top be as relaxing after all.

Mark suddenly coughed, breaking the two men out of their staring match. Derek was the first to speak.

"It's nice to finally meet you Lachlan. I've heard so much about you...from Meredith." Derek revealed, determined to let the man know he had indeed been in contact with Meredith

"Likewise. I've heard plenty about you too. I really wish that I could say it was all good, but I can't...then again you can hardly be surprised about that." Lachlan replied smugly

Derek was about to respond, but Lachlan continued, " Anyway, right now you seem to know more about my girlfriend than I do, since she tells you that she's pregnant before she tells me?" Lachlan demanded.

"No! No, no, was a misunderstanding...Derek once again got the wrong end of the stick. He assumed Meredith was the pregnant one and not Lexie and consequently made an ass out of himself...he saw Meredith get the test for Lexie and jumped to conclusions...he does it all the time" Mark jumped to inform Lachlan, because if he didn't, he thought the angry Brit was going to lynch Derek.

Derek looked at his friend in disbelief-so much for brotherly solidarity.

"Of's such an easy mistake to make Derek. I can see how you would assume such things considering the two of haven't been together in four years." Lachlan replied sarcastically.

"I was just concerned about a friend...after all, she was sick earlier on in the week. Not that you would know that...since you had barely been answering her call...That wasn't very nice of you." Derek taunted, smirking at the man in front of him.

Lachlan gritted his teeth together, determined to prevent himself from wiping the smug look off Derek's face.

"Hmmm..." Lachlan nodded. "Well, as fun as it has been meeting you...I have to get back. Izzie asked me to come and get wine for thanks once again for clearing up Meredith's non-pregnancy for me. I'll see you at dinner Mark." Lachlan told him, nodding goodbye to Derek as he left Joe's.

"I hate him," Derek said to Mark as soon as Lachlan was out of ear shot.

"Really? I never would have guessed." Mark responded sarcastically.

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