So this is it its over between us

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Derek had given Meredith a few days of space after Izzie and Mark's wedding, space that would give her the clarity she needed in order to make a certain decisions about her life. Those few days without Meredith had been absolute torture. This fact was kind of crazy, considering they had spent four years apart, but now that he knew they were so close to finally being together, Derek didn't want to wait a day without her; he wanted it right now.

So it was about four days after the wedding of the year, that Derek decided to go see Meredith, hopefully Lachlan wouldn't be there, because that would definitely make for awkwardness all round.

Derek knew that Izzie and Mark were off in Tahiti somewhere and weren't due back for two more weeks, but he had no idea about Alex and Lexie. The most he could hope for was just a few moments alone with Meredith before life got in the way.

As Derek walked up the steps of Meredith's front porch he suddenly had a feeling of uncertainty wash over him , it was as if something was about to happen, and it wasn't going to be what Derek was hoping for.

Full of anticipation, Derek knocked on the door and was met with a surprised looking Lexie a few moments later.

"Hey Derek." Lexie greeted him with a warm smile.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Derek asked.

"I'm feeling better than I have in weeks. The morning sickness has subsided a bit." Lexie answered.

"That's great. Um...can I..?" Derek said, gesturing to the inside of the house.

"Oh...Of course...sorry, come in..." Lexie replied, moving out of the way.

"Thanks." Derek grinned, walking in and looking around. There was no sign of Meredith.

He quickly followed Lexie into the kitchen, and watched as she took out two mugs.

"So Derek, what brings you around at this hour of the morning?" Lexie asked, with morning cheer in her voice.

"Oh....nothing really, just came to see how everyone was doing..." Derek lied, wondering where in the hell Meredith could be. If she was in the house, surely she would have heard his voice.

Fear went through Derek, as he pondered whether or not she was avoiding him. After everything that had happened at the wedding, and the last few weeks, he prayed that they hadn't regressed to the 'no communication' phase again.

"How kind of you...but somehow I'm guessing that's not the real reason you're here." Lexie smirked.

"You know me too well..." Derek grinned. "Actually I was here to see Meredith. Is she still asleep?"

Lexie's face fell instantly, and a look of confusion also graced her delicate features.

"What is it, Lexie?" Derek whispered, feeling dread wash over him.

"Derek, I'm sorry...I thought you knew...Meredith and Lachlan left for London about two days ago..." Lexie trailed off, concern lacing her voice.

Derek's entire world just plummeted down at his feet.

Meredith was gone...Gone with Lachlan, back to London... She didn't even have the decency to tell him.

Derek had been so sure that they were finally going to move forward with their lives; move forward together. How could he get it so wrong? Had she lied about how she felt at the wedding? No, Meredith could and never would be so vindictive....

"Derek...Derek!" Lexie said, interrupting his thoughts. "I really thought she would have called you...

"Wha...Wh...What? Why did...She didn't even tell me..." Derek responded, unable to think clearly.

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