A night at joes bar

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"Well isn't this cozy?"

Meredith and Derek both whipped their heads around in surprise.

When it became clear that they were not going to respond, the person continued.

"You know, you guys are so lucky that that it was me interrupting this love fest, and not the nosy nurse, who by the way, I am convinced is Ava in disguise." Cristina told them as she sat down on the other side of Meredith.

"We're great Cristina thanks for asking. How are you?" Derek replied sarcastically.

"Whatever McDreamy, you're just pissed that I interrupted your stolen time with Meredith,"

"Cristina..." Meredith

"Don't worry Mer, I'm used to it by now." Derek responded.

"Cry me a river." Cristina said dryly. 'You know I'm right. If that nurse had her way, Derek would have a tracking device on him. Or a leash."

"Cristina!" Meredith reprimanded again, while shooting Derek an apologetic look, before continuing, "She's not that bad..."

This time both Derek and Cristina looked at Meredith with disbelieving faces.

"Hey Mer, I may be dating Rose, but even I can admit that she has been less than pleasant these last few weeks." Derek told her.

"I...well...I can't say I blame her, I mean, ours is a hard friendship group to fit into. Everyone's so close...." Meredith said.

"She's had four years to fit in Meredith, if she hasn't by now, she isn't going to." Cristina responded frankly.

"I'll talk to her." Derek decided. "I'll try and get her to be more civil, but it would help if you didn't jump down her throat every five seconds Cristina."

"Don't tell me what to do. Maybe if she thought about things before she opened her mouth, there wouldn't be a need for me to criticize her." Cristina replied.

"Okay, guys, stop." Meredith told them. "You're never going to see eye to eye, so just drop it...let's drink." , and with that Meredith gestured to Joe, for another round of drinks.

Once the topic of Rose had been dropped, it was surprising how well the three of them had managed to get along. Derek and Cristina managed not to insult one another more than twice, while Meredith and Derek attempted to keep the normally natural flirting to a minimum.

The somewhat peaceful conversation was suddenly interrupted again, this time by the unwelcome previous topic of discussion.

Am not interrupting anything, am I?" Rose asked, not really caring if she was. She smiled sweetly at Meredith and Cristina, before grabbing hold of Derek's hand.

"Not at all." Meredith responded, quickly throwing back her shot of tequila.

"Actually..." Cristina began, before Meredith kicked her and Derek shot her a warning look

"Don't stop there on my account Cristina, my day just wouldn't be complete without an rudeness. Plus, I'd really know what you were talking about." Rose said sarcastically.

"Well, if you insist..." Cristina started.

"Actually, Cristina and I were just about to go sit...over there...in that booth, so we'll catch up with you both later." Meredith informed Rose.

Derek shot Meredith an apologetic, before Meredith grabbed Cristina and their drinks and made her way to the corner booth.

Rose didn't hesitate in taking Meredith's seat and ordered herself a drink. Soon enough she noticed Derek looking at her, and it wasn't in a good way.

"What?" she asked innocently.

"You damn well know what." Derek told her frankly, taking a sip of his drink. "You practically chased them away."

"I wasn't in the mood to put up with insults, plus I just wanted to spend some time with you. Is that so bad?" Rose asked, rubbing her hand on his thigh.

Derek tried to fight the urge to move her hand. "No, it's not, but they are my friends, I was having a conversation with them, you can't just expect them to leave every time."

"You're friends with Meredith now? Anyway, they don't like me Derek, so what's the point in being nice?"

"Meredith has never been anything but nice to you." Derek pointed out. "And Cristina...is just being Cristina. Don't you get why they may be less than welcoming though?"

"I have no idea, I've tried to fit in, but no one will let me." Rose whined.

" Maybe it's they way you say and do things, you know? Like how you suggested that Meredith's boyfriend might have been cheating on her. You had to know that you would piss everyone off by saying that."

"I was just trying to help."

Derek looked at her doubtfully, not sure that had been her intention.

"Just think before you say things. That group is each other's family; they don't appreciate it when someone tries to hurt one of their own, despite the best of intentions."

"Okay, I'll try for you." Rose told Derek reluctantly, anything to keep him.

Derek gave her a small smile, but his eye managed to catch Meredith's across the room, and he felt his heart beat just that little bit faster.

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