Cake testing with derek

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"Cake testing?" Meredith inquired as she watched Izzie devise some delicious concoction.

'Yes, Mer. Cake Testing. You know, a form of food that is usually sweet and often baked." Izzie replied, as if she were talking to a four-year old.

"I know what cake is Izzie, I've seen you bake enough of them. I just don't see why it's so imperative that I go." Meredith said.

"Mer, I want everything to be absolutely perfect, because I only intend on getting married once in my life, and I want to be able to tell my grandkids that everything was ideal. So I want an honest opinion about the cake, because it's something that all the guests will share with us. I don't want people in years to come to reminisce over the awful cake at the Stevens-Sloan wedding" Izzie ranted.

Meredith couldn't help but get swept up in Izzie's enthusiasm. Years ago Meredith never thought that she could get excited about the prospect of a wedding, of the whole concept of a happily ever after. Years ago, all she had as examples of any from of relationships was Ellis and Thatcher's disaster and Cristina's not so fairytale romance with Burke. Before she left Seattle, Meredith didn't believe that she was wife, or mother material. She had lived her life being abandoned by those people that were important to her and she was constantly told that she was never good enough. However, in recent times, Meredith had slowly come around to the idea of living some form of the American Dream.

"I know you want the epitome of a white wedding Iz, and I'll do anything I can to help...even if it includes cake testing...besides, it's free cake, and who doesn't like sweets."

"McDreamy." Izzie replied, anticipating Meredith's reaction.

As if on cue, Meredith instantly jerked her head up, "What does Derek have to do with cake?"

"Well...I wanted a couple of opinions and I thought that as best man, Derek would be happy to come along....Plus Mark wanted a male companion so he wouldn't feel like he had grown a pair of ovaries. Are you alright with Derek coming along?" Izzie queried.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Meredith raised her eyebrows as if daring Izzie to suggest that she would be anything but fine with the matter

"Hmmm...I don't know, maybe because it will be the first time you've spoken to Derek alone, since that night outside the hospital. And don't worry, I told Mark to make it clear that Rose was not allowed to surgically attach herself to Derek and come along." Izzie stated.

Meredith rolled her eyes, "She isn't that bad."

"What planet have you been living on? That woman's thorns have been sharpened to the max over the last two weeks. I thought we'd have to buy some cutters and stock up on pesticide."

"Izzie!" Meredith said as she choked back a laugh. "I don't know why she's so worried. Derek and I have been over for years now."

Izzie gave Mer a pointed look, "Meredith I know that you honestly believe that, and I won't try to convince you otherwise, but you and Derek will always be apart of each other's lives in some form or other. Rose is aware of the history between you, which is enough to make anyone want to put Derek in a bubble and keep him away from you. What you and Derek shared can't be erased by years, I know that the romance might be over, but you two will always have a connection that no one can touch." Izzie finished.

As Meredith watched Izzie put the cupcakes in the oven, she couldn't help but acknowledge the truth to her words. They were nothing new, for Meredith herself had admitted that she would never share the passion she had with Derek with anyone else.

"Well Rose has absolutely nothing to be territorial about. She has Derek and I have Lachlan."

Izzie looked at her friend and she could clearly see the inner battle she was fighting.

"Speaking of Lachlan, I can't wait to meet him. I hope he's as sexy as his voice sounds."

"Iz!" Meredith laughed, as she threw a dish cloth at her friend, before adding, "Of course he is. He's that and more. I think it will be good for him to get away from London, and away from the memories of Justin, even if it's only for a few weeks."

"Everyone's pretty eager to meet him, you know? I'm not the only one." Izzie pointed out.

"He's looking forward to meeting you guys too. I've told him so much that he considers you friends."

"I know that this is going to sound cheesy, but after everything you've been through, I think that I'll gladly love any man that makes you smile like that." Izzie said, gesturing to the grin on Mer's face.

"He's pretty great. You guys will love him...though I'm not sure about Cristina........" Meredith laughed.

"If she's a real friend, she'll be happy that you're happy. You know Mer, by the way you talk about Lachlan, there might be hope for your happily ever after yet."

As Meredith pondered Izzie's words, she couldn't help but see a pair of piercing blue eyes staring back at her whenever she thought about getting her happy ending.

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