Somethings wrong with mer

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As the morning sun peeped through her window, Meredith opened her eyes and realized that something was definitely not right. She thought that maybe it was the feverish chill that was currently washing over her body, or the slight headache that she was experiencing. As she got out of bed, Meredith then thought that maybe it was the muscle aches that were overpowering, especially in her back, that was causing her to think that something was wrong. As she walked out of her room she realized it was probably all of those things combined.

"You look like absolute shit." Lexie stated, as the two met at the top of the stairs.

"Yeah well I can say the same for you. You've had that bug for at least a week now." Meredith replied, as she held her head in her hands.

"Please don't remind me. The vomiting has subsided a little, but it looks like I gave it to you." Lexie told her apologetically.

"Thanks for that. I came all the way from London just so I could get the flu."

When the two sisters walked into the kitchen, they were instantly overwhelmed with the aroma of Izzie cooking breakfast for everyone, but it was the smell of bacon and eggs that really got to Meredith.

"Ugh..." was all that Meredith could get out as she held her stomach.

"Yum!" Lexie said as she piled her plate.

"You sure you want that much sweetie?" Alex asked gently.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure." Lexie told him as she forked the bacon in her mouth at once.

"You hungry Grey?" Mark asked as he looked up from his newspaper and sipped his coffee.

"Umm..." Meredith began as a touch of nausea washed over her. " Not really."

"Are you alright Mer?" Izzie asked, now noticing how ill her friend looked.

"Not really. I woke up with the chills and an aching body. I don't think I could eat anything if I tried." Meredith responded

"You really do look hot Meredith, and I mean that in a totally non-sexual way." Mark told her with all seriousness.

"Are you going to be alright staying here by yourself today Mer? If you're feeling that bad, maybe I can convince Dr. Cassidy to cover my late afternoon surgery and I'll come home early?" Izzie offered.

"I'll be fine Iz, I've had the flu before." Meredith insisted. "I think I might just go back to bed."

"If you need anything just yell, we don't have to leave for the hospital for another thirty-five minutes." Alex told her , as he watched Lexie eat.

"Thanks.'' Meredith offered a weak smile.

So with those last few words Meredith eventually got back up the stairs and crashed onto her bed, intending not to leave it for the rest of the day.


"I'm telling you Cristina, Meredith didn't look well at all, she's insisting it's the flu, I just hope that it passes fast." Izzie told her as they stood in front of the OR board.

"Don't worry Izzie, the flu doesn't last for four and a half weeks, she'll be better for you're big day." Cristina mocked.

"It's not only that, there's something I have to tell you, it's supposed to be a surprise, but..." Izzie began, but they were interrupted by a certain sexy neurosurgeon.

"Hey Izzie...Cristina." Derek said, as he studied the board, realizing that he had no more surgeries for the day. "What's got you looking so excited?"

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