Dinner date

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After Derek and Meredith had arrived back at Jessie's apartment, Meredith had run and locked herself in the bathroom to get ready, while Derek looked through his duffel bag, in the hopes of finding something that would be appropriate for an evening out. Finding hat he had indeed packed a shirt that he would be able to pass off as evening wear, Derek got himself ready, only to emerge a fair amount of time later to find that Meredith was still in the bathroom.

"C'mon Mer! We'll be late." Derek called from the living room.

"In a minute!" Meredith replied.

Derek smiled, shaking his head at her response. That was what she had been saying for the past twenty minutes. Despite his groans of protests, Derek was in a way, enjoying this little moment. When they had been together the last time, they had never really taken the time to go out for dinner, to go on dates, so complaining about Meredith taking so long was a real 'couple' moment. After all, that's what they were now; a couple. At least he hoped that's what they were. Meredith hadn't really approached the topic of their current status, and Derek supposed that was the purpose of this dinner.

About ten minutes later Meredith emerged from the bathroom, dressed in a simple black cocktail dress with her hair straightened. So simple, yet stunning to Derek.

"You look beautiful." Derek breathed, walking over to give her a kiss.

"Mmmm...thank-you." Meredith replied, as their tongues collided, almost as if they were competing in a duel. For the rest of her life, Meredith was sure that the intensity and excitement of kissing Derek would never leave. Nor did she want it too. For the rest of her days, he was the only man she would ever want to kiss.

"We...should get...going." Derek murmured between their kisses.

"Okay." Meredith whispered, moving some hair off his forehead. "I missed this."

"I missed this too." Derek admitted. "I missed us..."

"We won't have to miss anything anymore."

"You have no idea how happy that makes me."

"Oh, I don't know...I think I may have some..."

"Let's go." Derek suggested, taking Meredith's hand.

The taxi ride to Albannach, the Scottish restaurant in London that Meredith had picked, was a very quite one. However it wasn't an awkward quite, just a calming silence. A silence that was full of love and promises. Those were the best kind of silences; when you could just sit with another person, and neither of you needed to say one word. It was those silences that were a true testament of love.

The taxi ride also happened to be a long one, but Meredith had insisted that Albannach was the restaurant they were to go to. It was her favorite one in London. Meredith, Jessie, and a couple of the girls from the hospital had gone there for a night out, and Meredith had been amazed at how chic and metropolitan it had been. Normally Meredith was all about comfort and a 'homey' atmosphere, but this place had really captured her heart.

As they drove through London, Derek felt Meredith's hand grasp his, intertwining their fingers. Instinctively, he pulled Meredith into his arms, and that was exactly how they stayed until they finally arrived at the restaurant.

As Derek helped Meredith out of the taxi, and paid the driver, he looked around at his surroundings. Albannach happened to be situated in Trafalgar Square, and Derek couldn't help but laugh out loud at this fact.

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