Did he call?

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It was around seven o'clock when Lexie and Meredith finally returned home. After they left the hospital, Meredith practically begged Lexie to take her anywhere but the house. She needed time to clear her head, to bring herself back from the depths of insanity. Meredith knew that she couldn't spend her day phoning ever person she new in North London. She couldn't pester the staff at St. Mary's for Lachlan's whereabouts. She needed to have a rational mind when she walked back through the door. So that was why Meredith and Lexie had found themselves half heartedly window shopping at the mall, and then sharing a greasy early dinner at the food court. It probably wasn't the most relaxing thing they could have done, but Meredith was glad for any distraction.

So as Meredith unlocked the front door, the last thing she expected was to walk into the house hearing Izzie screaming at something, or screaming into something, in this case, it was the phone.

"Sick...absolutely SICK with worry!...do you have any idea...?" Izzie screamed as she paced around the kitchen.

Meredith and Lexie looked at Alex in alarmed confusion, but all he offered was a sympathetic smile, and winced when Izzie continued with her screaming.

"I don't want to hear you're apology's Lachlan...It's not me who you should be apologizing too...Yes, your girlfriend who we almost had to administer a sedative to, because you didn't have the decency to answer any of her calls!" Izzie ranted.

"Lachlan" Meredith breathed. Lachlan. Lachlan was okay. He was alive. He was on the other end of that phone. Lachlan, he was okay.

Meredith felt Lexie give her hand an encouraging squeeze, before she turned her attention back to hurricane Izzie.

"Yes, I know that you called...but you called FOUR DAYS too late...You better have a damn good reason Lachlan...none of us have had any sleep...I know your sorry, and even though I think your voice is very sexy when your frustrated...yes I know that's not the point right now...but my point is that sorry doesn't cut it right now!" Izzie told Lachlan forcefully.

"Izzie!" Meredith interrupted. "Let me talk to him." She demanded, sticking her hand out for the phone.

Izzie broke out of her rant long enough to acknowledge that Meredith was home, before replying, "Just let me finish yelling Mer and then you can talk to him, okay?"

"No Izzie...No more screaming at him." Meredith said finally, yanking the phone out of Izzie's hands and putting it to her ear.

"YOU ABSOLUTE ASS LACHLAN JACKSON!" Meredith shrilled into the mouthpiece.

"So much for not screaming Alex muttered to Izzie and Lexie. Lexie quickly shushed him and they continued listening to the phone call

"TWO MINUTES! Two minutes was all it would have taken for you to pick up the phone and call me...I thought you were dead! Do you know how that felt...I don't care if that's a bit of an overreaction...What the hell was I supposed to think?" Meredith asked.

"What?.. Too busy to return any of my calls? You make me so mad..." Meredith ranted, before realizing that the other three people in the kitchen were watching her and listening with an unashamed intensity.

"You are such a..." Meredith told Lachlan, but the others didn't hear the end of her sentence, because she walked straight out of the kitchen door and up the stairs.

"Damn." Alex stated.

"Tell me about it. I wanted to yank the phone and give him a piece of my mind." Lexie said.

"Any idea what his problem was Izzie?" Alex asked.

"I didn't really ask." Izzie admitted sheepishly. "I was just thinking of Mer as soon as I heard his voice on the other end of the phone."

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