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At least a month had passed since the battle with Sensui and so far, things are mostly the same.

So quite and ordinary. . .

The sky is clear as it can be, no demon insects were polluting the air, nor any strange demon energy is being spread in the skies that could bring those nasty creatures back to the Living World. The hole has been sealed permanently, meaning no chance for demons come across freely, nor any major damage had been done in the Human World. All in all, the whole thing had been put to rest before the potential chaos could have taken place, and with that, everything returned back to normal.

Everyone should be relieved by such wonderful news, right? But unfortunately, it's not the case to everyone that got involved in this battle, because these events will not only had burned itself into their memories, but also reopened some old wounds as well which they tried so hard to bury deep down, and forget about it completely. . .

Even though everyone from Team Urameshi had been able to survive it all, and later on get back into their own normal lives, and their daily routines, some was left feeling still a bit tense and wary. 

You could say even confused at most. . .

Main examples being the Urameshi siblings, who gave their all in the first half and had put their own lives on the line so they can save the world. But in the end, all they got in return were discrimination. Resulting them getting fired from their job as Spirit Detectives, and become the number one demons on Spirit World's black-list, all because of their origins they had no clue of. . .

Since Miyuki had been revived and could no longer get back to her human appearance, she went to live at the mountains where her masters, Ruby and Yukina were. A place where she is training hard under Yara's and Genkai's supervision while her sibling was living that ordinary life back in school with their mother, Keiko and Kuwabara. Sure, the Urameshi girl would still keep that small piece from her life since she did ask her brunette girl friend to bring her homework assignments from time to time so she won't be left behind in her studies.

Although the ex-Female Spirit Detective still had a somewhat structure in her life, that sadly did not ease up her mind from those intense events and their consequences, which affected both her and her brother in the worst case scenario.

As for the other recently fired Spirit Detective, he is following his own rules and routines like in any other day as usual. Occasionally come in class, but then later on skip most of it in the days. At the moment, he is skipping another class and as usual, found himself on the rooftop of the school where he is looking up at the sky, deep within his own thoughts.

His friend Kuwabara just came through the entrance, looking for him since he needed the Math-book that Yusuke borrowed yesterday.

"URAMESHI!" Kuwabara shouted his name but found no one. "Great, he is skipping again!" He groaned in anger before a defeated frown fell upon his expression. "I know I shouldn't have let him borrow my Algae Break Formulas. Oh well, I guess I have to beg Keiko to let me borrow hers." And he did just that after he turned on his heels and closed the door behind him unaware of Yusuke's presence that is sitting on top of the entrance's roof. The teen boy heard every word that came from him and he couldn't help but feel annoyed with himself and his puzzling feelings that had decided to bubble up so recently.

'Everyone seems so freaking happy to start life up again.' The Urameshi boy thought to himself as his face wore a deep and thoughtful frown. 'But how can I stand this stupid school now. . . when I really don't belong in this world, period. . . ?' His eyes narrowed at that very thought which sting him in the chest even more.

Always being treated like an outcast ever since he set foot into the World of Living, all because he was far different from others. And now with the newfound discovery about the demon heritage, that just added more salt to the injury, pushing the boy further away from his norms and tip him deeper into this new kind of darkness where he now experiences  the confusion of a lifetime, along with the feeling of being completely lost. . .

The concept was all new to him, and he hated the feeling with great passion.

To top it all off, his mind immediately replayed the events that happened back in Demon World. The fight he, Miyuki and Sensui had taken part of, right before that sudden blackout happened. From then on, everything was just blurred out of him, his consciousness had slipped into the shadows, that clouded his mind and vision, and because of that he had no clue on what is happening in the outside world. That is until that small opening came, where he found himself awake and see through his own eyes that he is about to finish off the enemy. But it wasn't him in control.

It was someone completely different. . .

That made the teen grit his teeth and look down at his knees with fury filled eyes.

'There is someone else inside me now. . .' Yusuke angrily thought as he tried to remember the face of the person that was responsible for taking away his kill. 'And I can't feel satisfied until I figure out what that other part of me is. I don't care where it takes me.' But then he thought about his little sister which made his angry frown turn into a sad look, and now it made him curious about how she is holding up. 'I probably need to see her later on.' And he was about to do it at the very moment, wanting to use this excuse to skip away from the place he had known as hell, most of his lifetime, but he also knew how his mother and Keiko would give him an earful for this action. After all, he did make a promise for them to at least try to get some education if he ever wants to get somewhere in his life.

However, after everything that went down, something that is still fresh within his mind, the teen doesn't even know if that kind of life for him is actually possible anymore. . .

But little did he know that he was not the only one who is struggling with the same wound that left big marks within their souls and mind. . . Different challenges and torture in different people. . . but all walking on different paths. . . paths that they had chosen for themselves. . .

But the bigger question is what they will chose in the near future? 

Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fire ~ Book4 [DISCONTINUED] {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now