CH1 - Not So Ordinary

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On the very same day, the afternoon eventually took it's place over Sarayashiki Jr. High. By that point most of the students had left the school building to either go home, meet their friends or any other activities they can find to spend their time on.

At the moment a certain mother figure was in Mr.Takenaka's office with her trustworthy friend, Keiko Yukimora by her side.

"And here I need your signature, Miss Urameshi." The principal instructed as he pointed a finger at the bottom of the paper that he had placed onto his writing desk. Atsuko let out a small exasperated sigh as she took a small pen into her hand while Keiko went through the conditions on the paper, helping the woman with the document parts as usual. "Are you sure about your decision?" The man politely asked as he glanced at both Atsuko and his prized student who just finished reading the new arrangements that would provide the Urameshi girl's needs for her future studies in the school.

It may be a little bit complicated, but at the same time both Keiko and Atsuko knew there was no choice but to follow the plan they had agreed on with Koenma and Miyuki without exposing their secrets.

"Yes." Miss Urameshi finally replied to the man before she got a nod from the brunette teen girl, signalling that everything is alright. With that last approval and agreement, she signed the paper.

"Alright." Mr. Takenaka sighed in a bit of a disappointment but he kept his professional mask on. "I hope it's not much bother, but is everything alright with Miss Miyuki?" He questioned, being, of course, concerned about his other gifted student and her well-being.

"She is still under recovery." Keiko jumped in quickly with the fake surgery story that they had already went by before coming back to school. "But she will be alright."

"I'm glad to hear." The principal nodded his head. "Though I hope she will come back soon, to be able to finish her studies properly. However, I also don't want her to push herself too hard."

"Don't worry Mr. Takenaka, I'm always there to make sure of it. " Keiko reassured Mr. Takenaka before she and Atsuko dibbed their goodbyes and left the office. On their way there, they also met with Mr. Yoshida who just happened to turn around the corner and carry some documents in his hands. "Good afternoon Mr. Yoshida!"

"Good afternoon Ms. Yukimura!" The man greeted as he fixated his glassed then turned to the brunette woman with a small bow and a polite smile. "And good afternoon to you too Ms. Urameshi! How are you both doing?"

"We are both fine, thank you for asking." Keiko replied.

"Yeah." Atsuko added as well. "Just came here to make some arrangements for my daughter and her studies with the principal."

"Is Ms. Miyuki alright?" The head of the Drama Club asked the woman. "Did something happen?" He couldn't help but ask since he worries something might have happened to her just like last time when Yusuke had run over by a car.

"She is alright." Atsuko replied quickly but also try to sound reassuring. "Though she had been under some stress lately."

In reply, the man sighed in a small hint of relief to hear that his talented pupil is somewhat alright.

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