CH11 - About Our Future. . .

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"Yes, I do think about going back to Demon World. . ." As soon as those words left my mouth, I felt all sour in there because it. . . It felt and sounded wrong, but at the same time I can't really help it. Maybe because that's what I want deep down and that would be the best decision for all of us. . .  

It is weird to say the least. . . .Not to mention terrifying for me as well. . .

"Why Yusuke?" I hear my sister ask that particular question, going all serious as always. "Why would you want to go back there?" At that I couldn't help but scoff a little.

"Come on Miyuki, you were there too!" I pointed out, feeling slightly irritated by this questioning. "The answer should be obvious by now." I mean it should be from the get go. She was there and heard everything. Why does she ask me this?

"Maybe so, but I also want to hear it from you, along with your thoughts and true feelings." She told me with an intense tone. "I want to know what made you actually want to go in there besides just trying to challenge our ancestor, Raizen to prove your point and tell him off like a brat."

"Really, that's just it!" I told her, feeling a little bit frustrated with this unnecessary interrogation. "I want to beat up that bastard who took my shine away!" I hit my fist into my palm as I feels the veins pop on my forehead. I mean for real, she is called the smart one out of the two of us, and yet she doesn't get something this simple, which is really ridiculous.

"Your sister is right about this, Yusuke." Pacifier breath decided to chime into the conversation as well, being as serious as he can be. And as always listen and agree with the one with brains. "There must be some other reason than just trying to beat up someone and settle a score." I was about to yell at the two for pressuring me like this, but just as I was about to give a lecture, or more like an angry rant, my mind just went back at the realization that, they were indeed somewhat onto something. . . That there is something else behind this.

Something more to it. . .

I suddenly feel my anger dying down like a candle and for once my brain picked up the energy to think for a second again. . . logically as My sister would say. . .

Then came the words I once said to myself. . . back on the School's rooftop. . .

'There is someone else inside me now. . .' I remember that thought back at the time when I was at the school's rooftop. 'And I can't feel satisfied until I figure out what that other part of me is. I don't care where it takes me.' And from then on, many things were added up to me which sucked in most parts.

I didn't feel like my old self.

I felt even crappier than usual. . . more so that I didn't even have the motivation to fight like previously. . . And that is a sign which made me realize this problem is big. . . For me at least. . . Then we visited Kuroko who said that maybe I should go back to the way of thinking I once had before both me and Miyu got fired. . . But that was not it. . .

That is a completely different story. . .

"I honestly still don't know. . ." I was finally able to say something while sulking down on the edge of the bed where Miyuki was sitting, right next to me. Honestly, I don't have a clue about all this for real. . . "But maybe if I go out there and fight him, I will probably get my answers. Maybe after setting that score down, I will finally be satisfied with myself." Once more, I see the disapproval from these two people's faces, once more hitting me in the nerves.

"Of course, you would think that way. . ." I hear my own sister whisper under her breath like I was such a disappointment or some crap.

Seriously, what do these people expect me to say?!

Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fire ~ Book4 [DISCONTINUED] {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now