CH19 - Taking responsibility

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Meanwhile as everything was going down, Miyuki's eyes slowly opened up. However, she wasn't herself at the moment. Instead, she found herself being in her Spiritual form that she would accidentally get into whenever her Phoenix instincts decides to kick in and show her something usually important.

This case was no different.

The teen girl gasped as soon as she saw her pale blue, ghostly hands and her body floating in the air.

"Oh. . ." Miyuki breathed out once her mind eventually to her senses and realizes what was happening right now. But when her mind started to replay everything that happened minutes ago, her mood drops to the mud then exhaled deeply, feeling guilt ridden for making her friends and brother witness her at her worst point, and worry about her health when there are other far more important things are happening around the place. Either way, she clearly didn't intent this to happen, nor she wanted to cause trouble for others since they were already in a big one.

Now she is concerned that with this break out of her emotions, she made matters even worse. Before she can drown herself in her own shame, her ears suddenly caught the sound of people talking outside the room. Voices being muffled down by the wall that is separating her from them.

Even though she knows how rude it is to eavesdrop, her curiosity kicked in and got the best of her instincts at the moment. Without a second thought she made herself float toward the wooden wall, and dived her head right through it to see who is talking with who.

"I don't think I would have been able to sleep after all this anyways." Miyuki heard brother's voice, now words loud and clear as soon as her eyes caught sight of the trio in the hall. "So, what do you wanna discuss with us?" Asked Yusuke from Ruby who held a serious yet unbearable expression on her face. Miyuki also took notice of it, and that made her eyes go slightly narrow in suspicion, her feelings from the mall coming back to her once again.

"Let's go out to the garden." Suggested the young Water-Bender to the boys and motioned with her hand to follow her lead. The teens followed her silently, and Miyuki decided to tag along, wanting to hear what is the topic that they are about to discuss. As they were going, the girl's spiritual-self made sure to stay hidden in the shadows, not wanting to risk being spotted by any of them or scare them all with the state she is in at the moment, especially after the chaos that took place in the earlier minutes or hour.

Eventually everyone arrived into the garden. Puu woke up from his nap and Aki had already returned to her usual spot as well. The two greeted the trio with small coos and the teens returned the gesture respectfully. However, the blue Spirit Beast took notice of Miyuki's Spiritual body go into hiding from the corner of his eyes. Puu almost exposed her hiding place at the bushes, but thankfully Aki stopped him before letting out a single sound, not wanting her wielder to feel even more stressed than she already was. The other Spirit Beast eventually got the message and let it all be.

"So Ruby, what is this important thing that you need to share now and it couldn't wait for the morning?" The Urameshi boy once more asked while he and the Prince of Spirit World looked at their ally curiously. The young Water-Bender took a deep breath before looking between the boys. She knew it would have been better if she could have just waited for a better timing when all of them have a more clearer and refreshed mind, but after seeing her friend's mental state being crushed down in front of her, possibly by the news that she has knowledge of, she couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for not warning Miyuki about it, or breathe out a word when she and Yusuke had just told her that they were invited as well. . .

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