CH3 - Fate Has It's Ways - Part1

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I eventually arrive at the door of my house with no complications. I pull out the keys from my pocket and with a gentle twist I open the door.

"Shuichi dear!" Greeted my kind hearted mother greeted me with her melodic voice that I would sometimes mistake with an angel's voice. Because in reality she was in fact an angel. One of the kind that I will be forever grateful for. "Welcome back!" As soon as I  closed the door, she came to close the gap between us as well, arms open wide and soon they were around me. I had no problem returning the loving gesture, while enveloping my heart with her warmth. A feeling I would never get tired of. "How was your day sweetie?" She asked me curiously as she pulled away from our embrace. I smiled every time when I hear her ask the same question every day.

Many would find it boring or irritating at some point, but to me it felt really nice to have someone who would be genuinely interested in my life, showing how much they cared about me.

"It was alright mother." I replied to her with a warm tone while offering her my own smile. "How was yours?"

"Busy as usual." My mother replied as she rubbed her forehead, and took a step back from our hug. "Work had been crazy these past few days, along with the wedding planning. . ."

"Need any help with that today?" I asked her since I don't want her to push herself much. After all she was the bride, the most important person on the wedding. The queen on the chess board. And I want nothing more but the best for her, to be happy on her special day with the person she truly loves.

"Oh, no need, for now at least." Mother replied while waving her hand dismissively, while wearing her beautiful smile as well. "I actually take a break for the day since Kazuya decided to take me out on a small date." At that, I couldn't help but smile at her bubbly attitude.

"Well then, you might as well hurry and prepare for the date." I suggested making my mother chuckle a little in delight. "Really, you deserve it."

"Oh Shuichi, you're such a deary." She told me before giving me another warm hug and a small kiss on my cheek. " Dinner is already prepared for you and Kokoda. Be good you two, and watch over your little brother." I chuckled in my reply.

"Don't worry mother." I reassured her as I held her hand in mine and covered the top with the other one. "I'll make sure he won't cause any trouble in the house." Once more I hear those melodic giggles coming out of her before her warm and tender hands gave a gentle pet on the side of my cheek.

"Alright Shuichi." She said before going upstairs, probably to put on something beautiful on her for the date. " I'll see you later!" With that she disappeared from my vision. After a long pause later, I hear the door closes, meaning she is now in the room. With a small exasperated sight escaping through my lips, I finally gathered my strength to get up the stairs and eventually get into my own room. Once I was in, I placed the schoolbag down and then I began to unzip the uniform jacket to get into a more comfortable clothing.

I stopped myself however when my eyes caught something on my desk. It was the picture that I had of me and my mother. The day in the park. It was on the same day when we first moved into this city which eventually became our new home. And right next to that was another picture frame, but with an old picture that we had made back in our old home town and home. A picture with my younger self, mother and Sanyu under the beautiful Sakura tree we once had in our small backyard.

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