CH22 - The Day of a New Chapter - Part1

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A certain female figure just arrived from her duty for the day. Her sky blue locks was floating behind her along with the loose fabric of her kimono that was as pink as the fallen petal of a cherry blossom. As usual she had brought a new soul to the Gate of Judgement, and like always she leads the newcomers to the office where her co-worker is going to explain what is about to happen to them now.

Since this was the last one for today's shift, Botan can finally have an excuse to leave it behind for a long while and get to the comfort of her room. A place where she can feel safe to drop the façade that she was forced to wear nowadays. 

As soon as she was sure her door was closed, she tossed the clothing onto a nearby chair and let her body fall onto the soft mattress like a tree trunk that had been cut out recently. And once her face hit the hard pillow, a long groan got muffled by it.

Usually, the Grim Reaper doesn't complain about anything, because despite the dark side of her job, she loved it.

Sure, it has its ups and downs at times, but at most part it is manageable. . .  mostly because she would always look or at least try to see the bright side of things. . .

However, after what went down in the Tunnel case with her friends, she didn't feel like herself again. Not only that, the energy in her workplace became so different.

Duller. . . and colder. . .

It wasn't as 'fun' as it used to be before. It made her feel more like a fool to even think that this is any 'fun'. . . 

Especially after what happened, what part she took in that mission and how her friends have to suffer the consequences.

And with the knowledge of her friends' and boss's situation, being number one target of Spirit World. . . And since then . . . in every single day, she wished how she can do something more. . .

For Yusuke. . .

For Miyuki. . .

For Koenma. . .

For everyone that got into trouble. . . All because of Spirit World. . .

A world that she knew and trusted so much. . . but now it not only made her question it's belief. . . but it certainly caused her to feel even more hopeless and miserable, because she couldn't do anything useful that could actually help and make some changes without having someone to take the heat. . .

Botan let out a loud groan of frustration into her pillow once more before rolling over to her back and blankly look up at the ceiling of her room.

Just as she was about to get into a deep dive within her sea of thoughts, she suddenly heard something tapping, or more like lightly hitting her window.

"Hm? What's that?" The bluenette girl hummed out loud before she rose her gaze upward. Just then, her body shot up fast from her resting place and rushed over to the window, opening it fast and grab the shikigami paper doll with Koenma's letter attached to it. Once her hands got a hold of the enchanted papers her eyes darted back and forth in the outside world, checking if there is anyone was around to see it. Thankfully there wasn't a single soul, so this allowed Botan to let out a breath and shut the window. "Koenma sending letters first?" The young Grim Reaper questioned out loud as her hand pulled the curtains over her window. Feeling confused was an understatement. 

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