CH4 - Invisible Scars. . .

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Once I found the medical equipment I need, I took it off the shelf, and I went over to the demon who was sitting on the bed, waiting for me patiently. I looked down at his feet, so I know where to go, and did everything in my power to avoid his gaze.

"How is it?" I asked Hiei as I placed everything down and began coating half of the cotton wool ball with some of the antiseptic ointment from the first aid kit.

"What do you think?" He asked, rudely as usual making me sigh and just prepared to treat his wound in the old-fashioned way since. . . sure, I could have just pull out the water again and heal him in abetter way like last night. . . but I felt really uncomfortable with it again. . . It's not like I suddenly stopped caring about Hiei, and want him to suffer. . . I just don't have the heart and mental strength at the moment to use my water-bending again. Last night was different. An emergency that needed to be solved at fast. And this here is a scratch. . .

"Okay, whatever you say Shadow Lord." I deadpanned before I used my free hand to grab the bandages and tapes out of the box. "Now hold still." I told him strictly as I reached for his hand carefully and removed it from the claw mark. "I hope it didn't reopen that old one. . ." I commented under my breath as I began to clean it up with the medicine earning a small hisses of irritation and grunts from the Fire Demon.

"Why aren't you using your water bending to heal?" Hearing him question that made me visibly flinch for a second and then later on froze in my position.

My mind was whirling around my brain, trying to find a good excuse, but nothing logical or convincing enough came up which sucked for me, and pained me because if I say my real reason, it would probably crush him inside a little which I don't want. However, if I don't tell him anything, he will ask for information while worrying about my sorry ass even more. Also, I know lying to him would be pointless, but even if I do, I don't want that. . . I trust Hiei, and it would be wrong of me to lie. . . especially after all this. . . 

With a sigh, I just gave up and tell him how I felt about it.

"I'm not comfortable about using it again." Was all I was able to tell him while I focused on disinfecting the wound, and once I finished with it, I took one or two gauze pads and placed it on top of it, giving a small pressure on it before getting the tape and fixated everything on place. When it was done the bandages came too. I stole a small glance from Hiei's face, only to almost get into another eye contact with him which I avoided as fast I was able to, because I know if I look into his eyes very long, I will end up losing my strength again, just like last time, but only difference will be is that I will turn into a literal cry baby, and I don't want to break down again so pathetically. "Does it feel too tight?" I asked as I secured and analysed my work.

"Hn, it'll be fine as long as you don't plan on strangling me." Hiei replied to me with his usual rude manner, but I just sighed again and gave him a flick in the forehead for the attitude he was giving.

"Well, I am done." I announced it to him as I began to pack up the supplies. "But now you better take it easy, because it will end up opening up again." After the instructions I placed the First Aid Kit back in place. "If you want-." I was about to suggest him the guest room that Master Yara had mentioned before but before I can even get there my breath hitched in my throat when I felt a hand resting on my shoulder, making me flinch slightly but soon my body relaxed on its own, like magic.

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