CH25 - Finally Be Open - Part1

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The black blur continues on moving forward, jumping up and down from one tree branch to another.

As it was trying to speed away from my sight , I do my best to catch up to it with my feet. I was right on his trail, but still feel slightly irritated that I was so behind. If it wasn't for the wedding event, and my record up at the So-Called heavens, I would have no problem about allowing myself to increase speed and get right on Hiei's heels.

But then again, I would hate for something damaging to happen with the dress that Botan had stolen or bought for me, or do something that might cause trouble around my surroundings just like last time. . . . or. . .

Whatever. I knew better than to let my powers loose like last time.

I have to remain in control.

I have to make sure I won't cause any problem to Shiori, especially on her special day.

I would never be able to look at myself in the mirror ever again if that were to happen. . .

For a moment, I stopped myself from sprinting, just so I can shake the unnecessary guilts off of my mind, not wanting to get distracted from my original task. Once I took a deep enough breath, I pulled myself together enough to continue on with my chase. However, as I went on this seemingly never ending race , I couldn't help but feel a sense of DeJa'Vu coming from this scenario as I was running between these trees.

No wonder why. . .

I had lived through this many times in my dreams for two hole years.

The dreams that appeared after the death of my first best friend, and the move with my family. . .

But instead it was happening on the afternoon. . . 

The thought caused me to slightly be taken aback, mainly because of how long it's been a while since I had those strange visions, and how long it had been since I had that last one where I finally got to see the person who I had been chasing for so long.

Who I had been looking for in two years or so. . . 

In a way, I can now see that they are literally coming true. . . right here. . . right now. . . A thought that kind of made a small wave of shiver run down my spine.

A small spark of energy that initiated something within me.

And just when I thought no more coincidences could butt into this, I ended up finding myself near a very small lake . . . just like in my dream. . .

How did this even get here? Was this always there? If it had been here, how come no one ever like made a  mention about this place?

As soon as I saw it, my body immediately started to slow down on it's own, too stunned by the many eerie similarities. . . and frozen by the presence of. . . Hiei . . . who is was standing right in front of that small lake. . . The Fire Demon who is my bravery's biggest obstacle at the moment.

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