CH24 - Conflict In The Mind

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After finishing with the assignments that were given earlier, the leader of the SDF  left to the main base to call his other soldiers from the Living World, curious if there is any update about the Mazokus' behavior that is worthy enough to get written up to a criminal record and jump into action, but with the proper back up this time around.

However, once he got a hold of his promising spies from the other side, he felt the bitter taste of disappointment drop on top of his tongue as the comrades broke it to him that they couldn't find any eye-catching problems that could have been used as evidence beside that one outburst from the Urameshi girl and the damage that was left in that forest near Genkai's temple.

"Are you sure you three?" The captain once more insisted, his mind being set on denial and disbelief since he still thinks that those demon creatures, the Urameshi twins were up to no good.

"Positive." Replied the woman with her neon green locks and magenta headband around her forehead. "From where we are standing at the moment, there is no signs of any kind of disturbance, let alone destructive activities from our targets." As she was talking through the communicator, her other comrades exchanged a look of concern between one another, clearly not liking how the captain was holding up.

Ever since the Tunnel incident, things in Spirit World became a bit more hectic than usual with the new changes that were caused by the last mission which they couldn't complete.

That also included Captain Otake, who, by the looks of it was affected the most. His obsession on trying to find an excuse to finally get those Half-demons, half-humans down for good is slowly snowballing into a large problem, which the SDF Leader never breathed a word about to anyone, but clearly, he had a hard time covering up his irritation about it as well since his performance at work did became slightly sloppier than before.

And giving him this kind of news sure pulled one of Otake's nerves or two, hard, bruising his pride once again.

"Where are you right now?" The leader asked as he tried to take a deep breath in, and out to keep himself collected and focused, attempting to hold up the professional façade as best as he can. But right before he can hear his spies utter another word, an ogre came in, interrupting the conversation.

"Captain Otake!" The purple skinned ogre spoke as his hands were full of papers. "My apologies for the interruption, but his majesty has requested your presence into the throne room right now."

 The order kind of surprised Otake, mainly because he thought the emperor is busy with some 'other matters' so to speak. 

With Koenma in other words. 

Either way, he knew better than to make his ruler wait. 

With a small sigh he turned back to the screen with his back straightened and chin lifted up high. His eyes jumping to one soldier to another while it goes narrow, meaning his strict side coming back up again. 

"Continue on with your search." The captain finally gave out his orders. His voice almost identical to a growl while eyebrows knitted together in frustration. "I don't care what it takes, find anything about those half-breeds, record another earth-shattering incident like that other one from that Traitor Phoenix, and once you got it, report it immediately." With that he stormed out of the SDF's lobby base, his speed making the ogre jump like a scared cat while his knowledge ignores the frowns that were painted on Shunjun's, Rinbai's, and on Ryūhi's expression right before the screen cuts to the blackness.

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