CH21 - Final Decisions. . .

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One day had passed since that emotionally draining night, and the atmosphere was quiet still around the temple.

But unfortunately, the gloom from the events were still lingering in the air, and of course affecting everyone within the close range.

Miyuki hadn't woken up from her slumber, but every now and then someone would check on her condition in case something would happen out of the blue again. But thankfully none of these people treated the girl's outburst as something that they should be scared of, or something that should be a threat to the world, unlike the Ruler of Heavens and his minions that are assigned to spy on the so-called traitors who 'support the work of evil'.

No. . . Instead, the people who are with the Phoenix girl and her brother, they were all doing this out of concern and care for her, wanting nothing more but to do their best to help their fellow fighter with everything they got so she can get back onto her feet once again.

The young Water-Bender girl was walking around the corner just as Yunika was about to leave through the exit that leads her out to the garden, with big plates that are full of steaming, healthy meals. Some food that she had prepared for Aki and Puu, who are in the garden resting their wings. As for Hachiko, the little fox apparition had been glued to the side of the kind hearted Ice maiden, keeping her company at all times while try his best to cheer her up.

"Oh, morning Ruby!" Greeted Yukina as she reached the exit's door, but had some difficulty about opening it up since her hands are full of freshly made meals.

"M-morning Yukina!" Ruby greeted her friend back between loud and big yawns, her clutches still trying to rub the sleepiness out of her coffee bean eyes. Once she was awake enough, she sees the little demon apparition try to head butt the door open, but with the tiny fox form he had at the moment, he couldn't do anything with it, and after what he did last time, he doesn't want to use brutal force like because he knows that's very much not allowed unless it's an emergency as Yukina told him too. "Here!" Exclaimed the bender a bit tiredly as she lazily hobbled over to open the door for her. Since the little fox cub had his eyes closed, he didn't notice the door already being open, so as a result of that, he once more made an attempt to headbutt the wooden door, but only to end up hitting nothing while clumsily falling over and not so gracefully land onto its other side like a sack of potatoes that someone pushed with some force.

"Thank you." The Ice maiden nodded her head with a grateful smile as she continued on carrying the food for her friends. "Come on Hachi!" She called for her little friend who eventually lifted itself up from his spot and shook his head out of the confusion state before following his best friend's lead.

"They seem heavy." Ruby commented as she eyed those big place plates and tagged along as well. "Here let me help you with one of them Yukina!" She offered her hands as she went to reach for one of the bowls.

"Oh, there is no need to, I can handle it!" The ice apparition insisted on carrying the weight for herself. "You had a really rough time from last time already and I-."

"I know, but I insist." The bender girl cut in with a kind smile as she took one of the bowls from Yukina and carried it down the stairs with her. "You had been doing so much work around here as well, and that's the least I can do for the kindness and effort you put onto us. And plus, you are my friend, so of course it is natural to want to help you out." Hearing those kind words, the Ice maiden with teal-mint hair couldn't help but feel like her demon core was melting by their warmth, and that even showed into the smile that she returned to Ruby.

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