CH8 - Paths Of Our Own. . . - Part 1

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Another day passes by for Keiko, and once again she found herself sensing the feeling of disappointment in the pit of her stomach as soon as her eyes fell onto the empty seats ahead of her. The ones where her favourite pair of siblings would be sitting.

And by just looking at those desks, it made the brunette girl realize how much she misses her best friend who would help her get that trouble maker Yusuke, and knock in some sense into his  thick skull. The person that makes her heart either leap up in excitement, but most of the time jump with constant anxiety since Keiko worries about him like usual.

"Yusuke Urameshi?" The teacher once more read his student's name loudly, only to receive no reply or any sound to indicate that the said person is there in class. "Yusuke Urameshi?" He repeated his call, but as soon as his gaze landed on the seats, he gave out a defeated breath with a look of annoyance. "Honestly, why do I even bother?" He sighed in such bitter tone before he tipped his gaze away, and turned to the rest of the class with a firm look. "Can any of you children tell me what happens when you take one rotten apple, and put it in a bowl full of good ones? They all go bad real quick, and class, Yusuke Urameshi is definitely a rotten apple. As for his sibling. Well, she is no better than the original one." He told the other students with a serious tone, and most of them of course were familiar with this old song since the beginning. But none the less, they all agreed since they 'know how the Urameshis can be'. "Keep your distance from those two or else you'll be contaminated by their rots." Hearing that sentence, Kuwabara could only scoff in disgust at the excuse of a teacher while he tried not to just bite the bottom of his pencil off out of rage.

"Heh, bad apples?" Kazuma huffed quietly to himself before he turned to look at the empty seats beside him. 'He'd sing a different song if he knew how many times those two Urameshis had saved his rotten behind.' He commented under his breath before taking out an eraser, toss it up into the air and use the pencil in his mouth to hit it up, like he was playing with some kind of paddle ball. In other words, do something to simply pass the time and keep his brain entertained a little from the class's boredom. 'Though Urameshi should get over himself and come to class though. At least then we could make fun of this jerk together.' Kuwabara continued on with that same statement as he played around with his study tools. 'Or even better, see Miyuki burn him into ashes with those sassy comebacks of hers. Would love to see her put him in his place for once. Heh, might as well bring some marshmallow to roast over that burn.' The very thought of the other Urameshi sibling made him stop what he was doing and stare at his exercise book's empty page with a bit of sadness in his eyes, and a small hint of concern. 'Man, it's been too quiet without her, and even Urameshi seemed a bit more down that she is not around to look after his sorry ass. Now with him gone also, things are just so. . . dull. . .' Never in a million years would he have thought that he would miss that part in his life. The good old times that played some parts in his ordinary school life, and gave some colour to it in a way or so. However, since he began to take his education a bit more seriously, he decided to push that thought in the back of his mind for now. Although, he did make some silent prayers to himself, in hopes of things just getting back to normal somehow on their own. . .

To the life that he used to have before their last Case, and all that tragic jazz. . .

Little did he know though that he was not the only one who is feeling the way he does right at this moment. . . 

"But enough ratting, everyone, turn your textbooks to page sixty-five. We're gonna learn about the plague." Mr. Iwamoto eventually turned into his professional mode, and start the lesson without making much of a fuss about his most targeted and hated students.

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