CH23 - That First Step Of Bravery - Part 1

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As soon as we all began walking inside the office, our presence brought silence to the ogres and other grim reapers that were working in the place. All of them holding their breath, but none daring to make the slightest sound as the three of us were passing by.

The silence was so powerful that the only thing that I was able to catch with my ears were the tapping sound of our feet, small knocking sounds that they make whenever one foot makes contact with the floor. As for the co-workers that I once used to work with, order around for different cases and assignments, now they are sending me their pity through their saddened and anxious eyes as I was walking ahead on the path that is leading me to my own execution.

Although what got me most was not the crowd and their looks of unsureness. . . but the cool air that not only did it made the skin crawl with goose bumps, but also felt the tension and sense of responsibility piled up some weight onto my shoulders like a tower of bricks.

That kind of heavy emotional exercise also included my own heart that was trying it's best not to lose faith in my own plan. . .

At first I felt weirded out by all this, but after everything that happened I realized that it's just me not being used to be so vulnerable in the very place where I lived my whole life. . .

The place where I was suppose to feel safe. . . The place that I know as. . . my home. . . where I can have some sense of control over things. . . where everything is just neutral for me and organized. . . That's what I would usually feel whenever I am inside this very building. 

Neutral about everything.

I never really observed around things, or question them. I just did what everyone else in Spirit World would do.

Follow orders and do their jobs.

I remember about the endless studies from elders in my younger years before I came to the age where I can help out my father with the judgements and experience a small portion of the responsibilities that I will have to do in order to become wise and cultured enough to be the next ruler that everyone expected me to be.

I honestly thought I had it all figured out by now, learned everything. . .

I believed that there was no wrong in what I was doing, and everything was alright as long as I follow these orders that I thought were created for an organized structure which would gave the safety net for the balance of the realms. . . 

Created the help the balance of the universe needed. . .

But now with eyes open wide, I can now see how not all of those rules serves the purpose that many made me believe they do. . . I should have known better than to believe such close-minded statements which came from people who may have some good intentions, but still ended up doing a crap of a job when it comes to executions or trying to hide the fact that they were so. . . controlling to say the least. . .

Dare I say. . . people with double standards. . . ?

The more I think about it, the more guilty I felt toward my old actions and way of thinking. Remind me how I should have paid more attention to what was surrounding me and how it affects others that want the same thing that I do.

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