CH8 - Paths Of Our Own. . . - Part 3

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After minutes of suffering, I was able to make all of me look as presentable as I can be.

My hair all prettied up, and some casual clothes which were also elegant and decent enough for such occasions as this. . . at least something that I was able to find in the depths of my own closet.

However, as soon as I found myself looking at the mirror, I felt like either something was missing or that I am not good enough.

I mean, sure Kurama himself told me not to overdo it. But at the same time, who am I kidding. He had invited me for a birthday dinner where I will also met up with his entire family in person. I don't want to make myself look like a fool in front of them. . . but if I act all freak out already in front of my own reflection, than that could mean that I am already making some unnecessary fuss about the whole thing.

But still, I can't help but feel nervous about this meeting.

'What if they won't like me?' I couldn't help but ask myself. 'What if I do something stupid, and I will embarrass Kurama in some way, making them think that I am not good enough, let alone be worthy enough to be his girlfriend.' But then I remembered how I was able to meet Shiori that one time, along with Kokoda.

I shouldn't really be panicking about little things like these at all.

But for some reason it hits me differently since the entire family will be present together. . . with Kurama as well. . .

"If you keep that up, you might end up with a heart attack Raindrop!" Commented a voice behind me that caused me to almost jump five or ten feet up high into the air before turning around and see that it was my master, standing at the door frame. "Listen, it's not such a big deal. Just go out there and be you, it's that simple."

"Well, easier said than done." I murmured under my breath as I began to slowly make my way out of the room. However just as I reached the side of master Yara. . .

"For real, there is no need to worry about anything little one." My master reassured me. "Your Troublemaker Fox loves you and I am sure the person or people who were able to raise such a wonderful gentleman like him will like you very much." At that I feel my shoulders relax a little while I let out a breath. "However, if anything happens, I give you permission to turn them into ice cubes." At that, I laughed out loud which helped me ease up the tension I had within me.

"I'll keep that in mind." I told my master with a smile before walking away from her and down to the long hall. "Goodnight Master, I'll come back after a while."

"Just get your butt out of there and have some fun." My master snappily replied to me, causing me to chuckle once more and turn to the corner.

She never fails to amaze me with her sense of humour at times.

"I'll do my best Master Yara!" I tell her, and I was about to walk pass her-.

"Don't forget your ear-cuff dear! " She warned me before I turn around and see her hands make a pulling motion, making that beautiful jewellery levitate toward her hand. That's right, I had bought that at the end of the Dark Tournament, but haven't got the chance to wear it again for a while now. "Okay, now you are ready to go."


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