CH10 - What To Chose. . . ? - Part3

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After a long and intense moment later, the redhead took a deep breath and went over to the pillar that had a small crate box at its bottom, knowing full well how much pressure this could give on his soul, like the last time he had let the issue slip out of his grip at the temple. 

The teen boy turned back around and threw the orb at the other pillar in front of him and Ruby.

As soon as the glass broke, the shards were flying all around in the air, but what was inside of it, that splashed onto the wall like ink. A substance that came to life and began to move upward on the wall, turning into different directions while creating a clear and detailed image of a demon who had long black hair, horns, sharp ears and eyes that were closed from the world.

"Yomi. . ." Kurama breathed out through his gritting teeth as he took a seat on the crate and glared at the image slightly, feeling tense. Ruby could feel his tension, but before she can offer her comfort, the image of Yomi spoke up to them, catching her full attention and a little off guard since she had never seen such ways of communication before her life.

"It's been a long time Kurama." Yomi started his speech, calmness and confidence written all over his face. Emotions that matched his voice and it's tone perfectly well. "Too long. It's good to see you alive and well. Of course, I can't actually see as this is just a Spirit of Words. Regardless, I hope to meet you in person soon." While the talking was happening Ruby would occasionally glance at the Fox-Demon beside her, curious about his reaction. And as she somewhat suspected, he was restless. . . "Back when you know me, either or us were very powerful, but that's changed. I've grew stronger. Much stronger. I was able to make myself a name at the day of your 'leave', and from then on I became strong enough to rival Raizen and Mukuro for control of the Demon World." The young female bender gasped slightly at the information while Kurama shifted in his seat, hands clutching on the wooden crate's edge tightly while his eyes went narrow. "You remember those names, don't you? They were already in power when you left. But several hundred years ago, I joined their ranks, and now I'm prepared for my next accession. I'm planning to dethrone the two of them and then we'll unify all of Demon World as one nation under me. But if I am to succeed in this, I'll require your assistance Kurama. And so, my friend, I plead with you to join my crusade. If you believe in the unification, then I beg you to return to us." Kurama's glare became harder as he sees that how Yomi did change in power, and attitude the last time he had seen him. But what never changes is his personality and the craving for power. The one thing he knows well when he was Yoko back then. And from this conclusion, his ex-second-in-command, the now demon King, he no doubt wants to see the Fox-Demon, but not as he is right now. . . As Shuichi . . . He wants Yoko. . . The demon side of his that Kurama wants to forget about, or at least put aside so he can be the person that he wants to be. . . but. . . he began to question that too. . . "Oh, and one more thing, I almost forgot about. " Yomi dramatically trailed down, making Ruby narrow her eyes at him, unaware of that secretive glance that Kurama stole from her, worried that she might end up being exposed to something that he didn't want her to hear. "I heard from one of my loyal subjects that he had seen you with someone very. . . special to say the least. . ." Hearing that piece of information the redhead's heart sank while his nails dug into the wooden surface deep without noticing any pain what so ever. " I'll wait for your answer. . . . and if you do accept my invitation and decide to come. . . we have much to discuss. . ." With those last words from him, his image disappeared leaving Ruby utterly puzzled, and frightened by all this. . . And Kurama. . . from his intense expression. . . It was clear evidence that he knows what his former demon ally was talking about. . . 

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