CH5 - Found Within. . .

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Another day, with new challenges and events for everyone that woke up with the sun.

Back at Sarayashiki Jr. High the teacher had finally arrived in class and began to read out loud his students' names, seeing that if everyone is present there for the day. So far, everyone had signalled that they are there.

But it didn't last long when Mr. Iwamoto had reached that one particular name that is existing in his class. . .

"Yusuke Urameshi?" The teacher read that name out loud, only to get dead silence as his reply. "He is absent again, just watch me faint in shock." He commented sarcastically before turning to the only person who was bothered enough to know the teen boy well enough. "Yukimora? Where did your little mutt go now?" He asked of course, not even hiding his hatred he had felt toward the mentioned Urameshi boy, nor he cared about the offensive names he would call him.

"Sir! For him to be my dog he'd have to respond when I called him." Keiko replied with a deadpan, caring so little about being polite to Mr. Iwamoto since he was so harsh and overly critical to her friend so openly, making her always feel surprised that a man with behaviour like that was still in the school building with his job intact.

"Yes, well put." The teacher replied with a raised eyebrow, dismissing the brunette girl's attitude since his mind was too focused on finding an excuse to hate Yusuke and Miyuki even more. "And what about that sister of his?" He questioned with a nasty tone. "Did she decide to follow her weed of a brother's dirty footsteps?" The brunette girl did not like that one bit. Sure she is furious whenever this teacher badmouths Yusuke, but she would be enraged if Miyuki was dragged into the situation, because she was mostly there with her, trying to give a good name to her class while keeping Yusuke out of trouble. The very fact that Iwamoto is trying to find an excuse to get rid of her too, because of her name alone made Keiko feel mad, but she had to keep it down since she doesn't want to make a scene, no matter how badly she wants to give a piece of her mind or two to the so-called adult before her.

"Miyuki is still bedridden, recovering from her recent surgery." Keiko replied firmly, with the smallest hint of a glare shooting back at her teacher who just mentally rolled his eyes.

"Tsk, excuses-excuses." Mr. Iwamoto scoffed, clearly not believing in the cover story, or he just worked on his denial so much to get to that rudeness's level.

He eventually stopped thinking about the Urameshis and just went back to read the rest of the names from his text book. While students lazily inform the teacher about their miserable existence, Kuwabara shot a glare at the empty desk next to him where his fighting buddy is supposed to sit on.

"That punk!" Kazuma grumbled under his breath as his elbows were resting on top of his desk. "He'll be in middle school for the rest of his life." He thought out loud, clearly disliking the fact someone he knows is such a lazy person.

"Kuwabara?" The teacher called out his name, but got no remark from the student that is there. "There's another doubtful." His words were soon cut off when the mentioned student did give him a reply.

"I'm here!" Kuwabara informed through his gritting teeth, trying his hardest not to go straught up to the man and punch him in the face. "Don't lump me in with him." With that Mr. Iwamoto just let out an exasperated sigh before finishing with every name that was left in his book, then start the lesson without much of a wuss.

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