CH23 - That First Step Of Bravery - Part 3

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[A/N: Before starting it, I would like to give a shot out to my dear friend Rosentic_xo for being such a sweetheart and helping me sort out some part of this chapter. Thank you very much for your help again, and make sure to check out her account where you can read awesome stories. You won't regret it. Welp, enjoy the new chapter everyone ^^.]

Time had passed, and by this point, the sky prepares itself to pull the dark curtains on us. There was still some sunlight, but not as bright as it was before. But even so, that did not take away the beauty that this place is holding up right now. In fact, it made everything better for sure with the orangish-lilac sky and the now cotton candy pink like clouds.

This was the moment where everything just felt. . . right. . . A peaceful atmosphere full of positive energy that we can share with the people we know and care about. . .

The perfect evening. . .

But during this day, I couldn't help but felt a little bit weirded out, mainly because of how for once I was able to be in a more relaxed manner, with no need to be on guard in 24/7 . . . Not only that, but I also notice how I found myself smile so much in here. Sure, I may have done it before, but I just feel like I have never done it this many times.

Guess now I can finally sense the change opening its doors for me little by little. . . The change that I can now see happening for real. . . It may take a while, but now I know we are getting there. . . And by the looks of some other things, it's not just me, but it also happens with rest of us. . . My brother. . . my friends. . . However, what still concerns me is where this change directs each of us, and what kind of future will this lead us to. . . ? 

And now this made me think about my own future.

For so long I thought I had it all figured out, but in reality, the future that I pictured myself in sounds more like one of the tasks that I was my obligation. How it may be some goal, but more like a favour for my family's life style that I want to improve for them.  .  . I still want that, but still, that's not the goal that I truly want to achieve. . . like. . . A goal that I want to do for myself. . .

'NO!' Out of the blue, my own voice began to whistle sharply into my ears, making my body flinch. 'That's not what I meant to say! That's not something I ever want!' I can feel my stomach drop. So did my soul as soon as my knowledge and emotions finally caught up to me.

Oh no, not here. . .

'Then what the hell do you want Miyuki. . . ?' That other voice asked the biggest question of all. A voice that belonged to the Fire Demon I knew . . . and hurt so much. . . 'What do YOU want?' My head was throbbing and I felt like I my feet were walking on a moving ground, like an earthquake is happening at the moment.

If it wasn't for the desks nearby, my legs would have buckled up underneath me for sure.

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