CH13 - Where to now . . . ?

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[On the same day hours earlier. . .]

"No way in hell, I am going with you girls to your crazy girly girl shopping." Yusuke snapped in reply as he was crossing his arms and waited in front of Miyuki's room door with Ruby by his side who suggested the in the first place. "I already have nice pants, or at least some decent stuff to wear and for others to look at. Just because I have anger issues and my taste can be a little too much to you all doesn't mean I am that lazy to not have at least some nice clothing for an event like that. A guy like me needs to at least hold a good image for every now and then."

"Says the one who is lazy enough to follow the school's dress code." Miyuki's muffled but sarcastic comment came through the wooden door.

"Shut it sis!" Her brother of course shouted back at her words in defence, even though they were nothing more than the painful truth. And he knew that, but hates is so much. "Jeez why are you always try to make me look bad?" Even though this question was not meant to be direct, Miyuki still decided to be direct with her savage answer to make her sibling suffer more with knowledge.

"Oh please, I am not even doing anything to ruin that so called image of yours." Once more the Urameshi girl was just stating the facts blunt and up front as usual. "You had already done a wonderful job all by yourself, brother." And as expected the Urameshi boy did not find this reply approvable in the slightest. Well, to his taste to say the least.

"Hey, why not just put on those googly eyes already so you can finally go!?" Yusuke reminded his sister who is still stuck inside her own room.

"I would be done by now if you would stop with all that yelling!" Miyuki retorted which almost caused another comment to leave her brother's mouth, but thankfully, he was able to caught himself at the moment and save his time and energy from his own shouting match, because he remembered this is his twin sister he is verbally fighting with, and with her, it is hard to stop one argument.

"Ugh, always getting the last word, don't you?" Yusuke groaned under his breath as he let his back lean against the wall. But just as he was about to take a break for the moment, he heard his sister's voice again.

"Hn, I always get the last word, bitch." Miyuki sassed and of course Yusuke grit his teeth, but took a deep breath and just rolled his eyes while trying not to scream back angrily once more. During all the commotion the young Water-Bender just awkwardly laughed at the sibling interaction that is going on in front of her. The only thing that just made it funnier is that how it looked more like from her point of view. With the Urameshi boy letting all his anger out on a wooden door.

"Let's face it Yusuke, you can't argue with her." Ruby told him with a serious but somewhat humorous tone while stating this very fact.

"Tsk, yeah whatever." The teen boy huffed in annoyance but at least he accepted his defeat for once.

"But why are we going for dress shopping?" The Water-Bender girl questioned, clearly confused by this sudden plan that came out of her friend, the very person who hates girl shopping with passion. "Miyuki already has a dress from Botan." Hearing that piece of information, the teen boy turned his head around to give a puzzled and incredibly surprised look toward Ruby's direction, clearly never once hearing the mention of Miyuki having a dress of her own, or anything like that already. Like he might have a strange and distant relationship with his young sister, but he knew for a fact that she hated dresses from the bottom of her heart. It was not hard to understand that statement since he would at times hear Miyuki complain about her uniform's skirt whenever she thought he was not around the area she was at.

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