CH14 - The Distance Between Us - Part2

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Once I was out of the mall's air, I felt my heart beating a little faster than it should.

It may be the nervousness that I had tried so hard to push down finally decided to kick me. Something which was triggered by the thought of meeting Kurama face to face again. . .

Just thinking about it in the slightest made my skin crawl.

However, this time the reasons are different. . .

When I first met him after two whole years by coincidence, I was scared because I thought he would resent me, reject me for leaving him behind the dark like that, and alone after he lost his younger sibling to cancer. . . I honestly feared he would do the same the moment he sees me on the street. . . and probably do something, like demand answers from me or maybe something far worse to make the pain be even between us. . .

But that didn't happen. . . Something which I was grateful for, but never showed my gratitude toward it back then. . . However, looking back at that, I now wish he had kept his distance from be, because still to this day I don't think I deserve any of his forgivness. . .

And now this fear. . . it came back. . . but the reason behind was far different. . . Because this time around, I am scared who I will face this time around. Will it be the same redhead who I know as my childhood friend, the one who tended those flowers and offered his friendship eventually? Or will it be his demon side who by the looks of it, dislikes me for some apparent reason. . . ?

I can still remember that gaze he had given me. . . the coldness. . . the disgust in that one moment. . . It gave out the same eerie vibe that was almost similar to that creepy vision I had about Sensui once, when he jumped onto different faces who wanted to get rid of me. I later on found out from Yusuke and the others that how that lunatic actually had a personality disorder which explained those glitch effect and that strange face change. . . but Kurama. . . ?

It was completely different. . .

When his face from that apparition incident flashes before my mind, I felt like I couldn't breathe. Like everything, including my body just froze for that moment in fear with my gut screaming whenever I was in dangerous situations.

And that is the strangest part in all. . . but not anymore. . .

When I first thought about the interaction, and how my senses just warned me, I felt utterly confused about why?

But that's when the answer hit me like a yacht.

The reason I felt so confused was because I trust Kurama. I had trusted him for so long. After all, he is one of my very first friends that I had made and we had known each other since that faithful day in the park. . . And after our reunion that gave me that same feeling of security in him, making me trust my bond with him, meaning I know that and he would never hurt me. . . or so I thought. . . Because that statement eventually began to crumble a little by the doubts that eventually came out of the darkest part of my mind, and eventually the feeling of betrayal also decided to come into the play, the moment I remembered those words that left through the redhead's mouth. . .

Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fire ~ Book4 [DISCONTINUED] {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now