CH14 - The Distance Between Us - Part1

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Once I was able to arrive home and settle down a little. I spent minutes searching around my wardrobes and it's corners before I saw no point of looking there any longer before I started the next round of search, thinking of every possible places around my room where I would usually put away the formal dresses I would need to wear whenever me and my family have to attend a special family event like my aunt's wedding, or in case I need to go somewhere else, a place which requires decent clothing and a clean appearance. After like fifteen minutes of looking, I eventually found that perfect dress that would be great to wear for Shiori's wedding day.

"There it is!" I exclaimed to myself in relief as my hands were able to grab that soft fabric material and the metallic hanger that is keeping it up. With a gentle pull, I took it out and sure enough no scratch or any sign of damage on it. "Phew, it's still in good condition thank god." I breathed out in relief. But the moment I hug the dress close to my chest, I couldn't help but feel like a little girl again who at some point in my life was obsessed with princesses and magical girls like Sailor Moon and so on.

Without much of a thought, I began to twirl around with the beautiful blue dress like a ballerina, the skirt swinging back and fort elegantly, the feeling which caused me to get more excited to put it on and think how amazing things might be at the wedding.  How after the ceremony there will be some great and delicious feast, how many people I am able to meet, and not to mention the dance floor where I can dance with. . . . That very thought made me stop abruptly on my feet, almost tripping myself and drop the dress from my grasp.

At first, I thought maybe the reason I am acting like this is because of that jerk again. . . but then within seconds, the cogs in my head began to turn faster by seconds.

Then it hit me too late. . .

"Kurama must have invited Yusuke and Miyuki as well. . ." Right after that possibility left through my mouth, I feel my legs tremble like jelly. Carefully I place my dress on top of my study table while I used my freehand to find something steady to hold onto. It eventually got the frame of my chair, and soon I sank down on it while I try to recollect my own thoughts in my troubled mind. "But maybe. . . maybe he will be late or. . ." I said them out loud without much of thinking while I began to feel all too anxious about the very thought that I might have a chance to meet with Yusuke after days of him missing. . .

But. . .

Instead of feeling joy about having this small possibility to finally see him. . . I felt. . . nothing other than exhaustion and dread from the very thought of it all. . .

I mean it's not like I am not happy whenever I am able to get a chance to talk to him or be in his company, see him at least that he is still alive and well, but . . . after sometime later during this big break, spending all that time to focus on my studies and myself, I realized that this routine between us is getting old for quite a while, and I did not take any notice of that until now. . .

Maybe because. . . It's not just me feeling that it's my duty to keep him safe and care for him. . . maybe it was because. . . I had fallen in love with him. . . That was not some high school crush anymore, or some promise I made in childhood where he took a big part of it too. . . 

This was actually love. . .

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