CH16 - Hurting. . .

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[On the same night. . .]

The night in the forest was as peaceful as it can be. The crickets were playing their usual tunes while the wind carried their music into the wilderness that surrounded them. Tree branches were reaching for the lullaby like hands while rocking back and forth just a little, like they wanted to dance or maybe wave and greet the newcomers who passed by. . . A certain Spirit Beast with majestic snow-white feathers was looking at those trees with her sparkling sapphire blue eyes that reflected the stars but instead of looking in awe at their beauty, those eyes were filled with concern.

Concern for something or rather. . . someone. . .

As Aki was staring up at the endless forest Yukina was there by her side and gave small reassuring pets onto the Spirit Beast's side while Puu was cooing to his friend, offering some sort of comfort to her. The Ice apparition knew what's with the two, and that automatically made her thoughts drift to the person Aki is concerned about. It also caused her to look at the distance as well, but sadly the only thing her ruby red eyes were able to catch were the darkness the night sky covered the land with. With a tiny sigh of disappointment, the Ice maiden got up and retreated into the temple.

"Enjoy your meal you two." Yukina told the Spirit Birds before closing the door behind her and take a deep breath. After that, she walked toward the kitchen area, but once she got inside, many eyes and attention were settled onto her little figure.

"Still nothing?" Ruby questioned the ice apparition who went to the kitchen counter to get some tea for herself. The Ice maiden with soft teal hair shook her head slightly at the people who are eating at the dinner table. The answer did not satisfy the Water Bender one bit, but she had to accept it since there isn't anything else. With an exhausted sigh she took a sip from her hot drink. "It's been like hours since we last saw her." The young Water-Bender pointed out as she looked down on her tea with blurry reflection that revealed her concerned eyes. "I hope she is doing okay." It's not like she doesn't trust in the Urameshi girl's abilities to take care of herself, she is just concerned as usual. But more so after what happened months ago. . .

"Eh, I'm sure she is fine." The Urameshi boy waved his hand dismissively before taking a huge chunk out of his rice ball and began to chew on it with his lips parting at times, which caused the women round him feel slightly disgusted by that kind of behavior since it wasn't a pretty sight to witness. "She is old enough to defend herself, not to mention a half demon, like me." He added while swallowing down hard. However, hearing him saying these things in a tone like he doesn't care, it makes Genkai and Yara mentally roll their eyes at the teen boy's annoying attitude. The young Water-Bender gave a deadpan expression but that soon loosened up by the thought of her friend still being out there in the darkness of the night with no one she is familiar with there to keep her company, and lend an extra eye in case Spirit World's men are actually out to get her.

"Maybe, but there is still that one percent chance that she will end up getting caught by someone!" Ruby pointed out. "What if Spirit World-!". Just before she can start a full-on rant, Master Genkai raised a hand up to put an end to it fast while she was drinking her tea.

"And the chance for that to happen is also a one or two percent at maximum." The old lady with greyish pink hair spoke before placing down her cup, her sister copying her actions as well. "I can understand your worries Ruby but the dimwit here has some point in his statements. Miyuki is strong, and she is at least smart enough to not make the same mistakes or fall for anything so easily."

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