CH2 - What Are Friends For. . . ?

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Another uneventful day had passed by, the bell of the school chimed loudly in every hall, letting everyone know that the lessons were over while and remind a certain Urameshi boy that more time from his life had been wasted for nothing, building more frustration within his mind but he kept it in, so he won't make Keiko or Kuwabara have the smallest hint of concern within them about him. With a loud groan he threw his head back before taking his legs off of his desk, pick up his schoolbag, and leave the classroom with some curses and nonsenses that he began to grumble under his breath quietly.

Though, just as he set one step outside the door frame-.

"URAMESHI!!!" A gruff voice, all too familiar to the mentioned teen, made him froze in the spot in annoyance and reflex, giving his friend the perfect opportunity to trap him in a headlock, suffocating Yusuke for sure. "There you are, you Stupid Punk! Now you better have my notes with you, or else I will make your face turn as blue as my shirt!" As he demanded that, he was drilling one fist into the Urameshi boy's skull, which hurt him in a way, and he was not pleased by the feeling at all.

"Leave me alone, asshole!" Yusuke retorted furiously before the two got into another aggressive catfight where they either threw punches at each other in the gut, bruise their faces, pull some hair, and every petty thing they could have think of. However, it soon came to a halt when a feminine voice called out to them.

"Guys, enough already!" Keiko shouted at them, making the boys freeze in their position, which ended up making them fall on their butts, hard.

"Jeez, you and your naggings Keiko!" The Urameshi boy whined irritatedly as he rubbed his side while Kuwabara got onto his feet and stretched his back before straightening his clothing.

"Oh, stop with your whining and let's go!" The brunette girl told them sternly before starting to walk ahead.

"Go where?" Kazuma questioned, clearly confused like Yusuke who got back onto his feet.

"To Genkai and Yara of course." Keiko replied to him as she waved her black school-bag that seems to be heavy with homework and books. "I need to drop some homework assignment for Miyuki." She explained pointedly and of course it made the Urameshi boy go a little stiff for a second before letting out a small cough.

"Well, you guys can go ahead and have your fun-!" Yusuke was ready to just leave that as it is, but just as he was about to finish his sentence, someone hit him in the back of his head, hard which left a big lump on the top. "Hey, what the hell did you do that for, Jackass?!?" He demanded as he turned to look at the angry orange-haired teen who looked really pissed at Yusuke who was nursing his head.

"What do you mean 'you guys can go ahead', you Big jerk?!" Kuwabara exclaimed, clearly infuriated by his friend's attitude and the answer he was giving. "Your sister must be going through some tough times while you just sit on your butt all day or skip school every now or so, going somewhere and do who knows what! Have you forgotten your duties as a big brother?!"

"Of course, I haven't, but I don't think she is in the mood to talk-!" The Urameshi boy was about to retort in his own defence, but his words were cut short by Kazuma's loud mouth that doesn't stopped moving at all.

"Lame excuse!" The orange-haired teen snapped back as he gave a furious look to his so-called best friend. "You're just scared of facing her because if you do that, that will make you realize how much of a lazy ass brother figure you are!" As he stated it, he pointed an accusing finger right onto the Urameshi boy's nose.

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