CH14 - The Distance Between Us - Part3

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"Again, I am really sorry for not being able to come and visit more often." Once more I apologized for the long delay as I was sitting on the comfortable couch that is in the middle of the living room.

"Oh, it's no trouble dear, really." Shiori reassured me with a warm smile while she sat on the sofa that is on the opposite side of me and drank her warm jasmine tea. As for her other son, Kokoda, he decided to sit on the spot next to me, but kept a great distance between us so things won't get awkward around us. "The final season is starting at every school. So I understand you." At that I looked up from my pal and turned to her with a questionable hum. "Shuichi had informed me about this, so don't apologize for something so little like this. After all, you are about to write your own future and that takes a great deal from everyone."

"Y-yes. . ." I hesitantly replied about that since she does have some truth in her words, but at the same our views in future plans are taking very different paths for sure. I mean to be quite frank here and to myself, I never really bothered about taking that next step towards my own future, since. . .

"So, have you decided which school will you go to next?" The mother figure asked me curiously. "What do you want to be once you grow up? " The question that I had never bothered to ask myself before, and I don't have a fricking clue about where could I go with myself. . . I never really had anything much on my future list, other than try to find a job right after graduation and make some decent salary so I can try to support my mom, my brother, and myself so things can look up to us, create a better home environment for us.

To provide my family a better life than it is. . .

But now. . . A lot had changed. . . so much that I never had the time to comprehend it all and make something out of it. . . like some final thoughts before the big conclusion. . . Making me once more realize how Yusuke and I are truly lost once more in life from the get go. . .

"I haven't thought about it actually." I replied to her with honesty as a bitter sigh came out of my mouth, leaving that bad taste in there for myself. "But I do want to get a great education if I ever want to get somewhere in life." I added in a natural tone, only to feel something snap within me painfully, mainly because this is a lie.

And I hate lying to the person who rescued me from all those years ago from my first heartbreak.

"I see." Shiori replied with a small nod before taking a small sip from her hot tea and placing it down before looking at me. "And how is everything going on with your family? Is your mother and brother doing, okay?" Of course, she would be concerned about that as well since she did have some disagreements with my mother's parenting methods the moment she took one glance at her figure.

I know she doesn't mean any ill will, she was more concerned about me, my brother and our living situation which shouldn't be her problem at all, but at the same, I really appreciate her having the effort to care about me and Yusuke this much, even though we are not related by blood.

"Everything is doing okay Shiori, don't worry." I told her giving a reassuring smile to it as well, or more like just a forced mask that I have to wear to not cause any distress to the woman's troubled mind. "My mother was able to find a steady job now and Yusuke and I studying hard for the finals." Once more I forced myself to lie through my teeth, and I felt awful for doing it so. But I know I had no choice in this matter.

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