CH15 - Fighting. . .

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The atmosphere went colder by each passing second as the two figures in the woods stood on their spot while silently staring into each other's eyes deeply from their distances.

The tension was palpable. Even the woods took knowledge of that, and the wild animals as well who are around that very area.

The Phoenix Warrior stayed quiet, and just waited anxiously for the Fire Demon to finally say something. Get some kind of feedback about the news she had just shared with him seconds ago. The Urameshi girl feels her heart being near the edge, ready to just drop into her shoes if she the apparition before her continues on with his silence, which could also indicate one specific kind of response. That also ended up rising her concerns, when in her mind, Miyuki thinks it is unnecessary. Main reason being is the breakup she was forced to cause between her and him, technically meaning that she shouldn't feel upset about Hiei's decision at all, and how he is feeling right now because they are not connected to one another as lovers. Yet that small part of her, deep within her heart was still hoping that he still somewhat cared, because the teen girl still does. . . She still cares about him and his feelings. . .

Yes, she did get some reply from him before this, about trying to find a way to come back. . . but with King Enma ruling the heavens, in charge of balance over the realms, no one could blame the half demon girl for having this small seed of doubts in her when her ears got that answer.

As for Hiei, being stunned was an understatement. No wonder why. He honestly didn't expect such a turn around.

The Fire Demon counted on something else entirely. Like Miyuki's fear of him finally leaving through a path which could be a one-way ticket for sure, and as a result, the two of them even having the slightest glance of each other would have been slim to none. In fact, that's what prevented him from leaving in the first place . . . That teen girl was the reason he stayed in that World still. . . But now he received the news that she and her brother will also have a chance to go to the same place where he belongs.

It took him for a long while to process this information, which got his feelings mixed up greatly, but he was able to eventually sort things out within himself with a somewhat clearer mindset.

'She will be there. . . in Demon World. . . ?' Hiei repeated that fact once more within his mind as his eyes focused themselves onto Miyuki's nervous facial expression, still waiting patiently for his thoughts and feelings on the matter.

To be fair here, before what happened in Demon's Door Cave, he wasn't really thrilled by the idea since he knows what Demon World is like. How it's full of apparitions who would surely want to pick a bone with her for her powers and for being the Protector of Living World. 

But now things had changed since that fateful day. . . and with the new knowledge. . . now on a strange note, he felt somewhat pleased with the news, probably thinking of the benefit of this. Like how he will at least be able to see her, and be somewhat in the same area as he is in a way.

The same World. . .

That thought left a bittersweet taste in his mouth, which was caused by the memories and the present events. . .

"Hn, I don't see a problem with it." That was the first thing that came out of the Fire Demon's mouth, his tone and face remaining stoic, and tone as blank as ever. And their combination caused Miyuki's heart to finally be tipped over that edge and fall right into her heels while her facial expression dropped to a deep frown.

Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fire ~ Book4 [DISCONTINUED] {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now