CH22 - The Day of a New Chapter - Part2

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After a long and silent ride later, we arrived at the place where the wedding will be held. Once we got out of the train, I couldn't help but feel relieved that I am no longer inside that crowded small space.

I hated people filled places where the remaining oxygen is sucked away and the remaining free spaces are filled in.

"Ugh finally we are here!" I hear my brother let out an annoyed groan as he was stretching his arms and cracked his back. "Seriously, would it kill these peoples to plan a bigger space when it comes to these darn traffic trains?" As usual he was complaining about the same problem I have, but unlike me, he was loud and clear when it comes to speaking out his mind.

I didn't even bother to snap at him this time for being a loud mouth and just shrugged my shoulders at him before looking down at the invitation I got to check it once more if we are on the right track.

So far, everything seems to be right. Hopefully the game will also play out just as good without anything that could interrupt this beautiful event.

Something that I would never dream of missing out for sure.

"Is human traffics had always been this packed?" Yukina asked with her innocent voice as she approached my side with Ruby not too far behind her trail.

"Usually." My Water-Bender friend responded to her with a small smile curling up onto the edge of her lips.

"It mostly depends on the people having plans and such." I added right after a small shrug as my eyes were glancing back at the map again which was drawn at the back and bottom of the invitation.

"Yup, just like how we have a plan now to go to that wedding." Once more brother dearest began to talk his mind out once more. "Hopefully there will be food." At that, I just couldn't keep my annoyance for the moment and had to discipline him just a tiny bit. "Hey, watch it! You're ruining my jacket here."

"If you don't want to get on my bad side again, then better watch that big mouth of yours for the next hours. " I replied to him strictly before my legs began to march into the small city to find that restaurant place where the ceremony will be held. "So, we better get going before we miss it for sure." Hearing her strict words, Yusuke groaned in annoyance, which only earned a small elbow hit in the ribs from Ruby.

"Hey, what is this?" My brother demanded, but all he got was the stink eye from the Water-Bender, something that finally got him to shut it and follow my lead.

There was silence for a few seconds into our walk, but it eventually broke by the Ice maiden's words.

"So, about this human ceremony. . ." Yukina started as she and the others were following my lead. "I know what it is since you explained it a little Ruby, but you never answered my last question about it because you left to go grocery shopping." Then came a small pause before the ice maiden continued on. "If you don't mind, can you answer it now. . . ?"

"Of course I don't mind it, Yukina." Ruby replied to her with a gentle tone. "What about you all?" My friend asked me and my brother.

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