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 Hoi there everyone!

It's been years now hasn't it, huh. . . ?

This is Naomi here, and I am very sorry for the inconvenience of suddenly coming back and placed the title DISCONTINUED on this book series.

As much as it pains me, I had to do it. . .


FINALLY, we are getting somewhere!!!!

Please don't bite my head off and let me explain what is going on.

I firstly want to apologize for disappearing on you all. I have a job now which has a lot of work hours, and among other things I couldn't get a good hold of myself or find any motivation whatsoever to write stories anymore.

That was until in these recent weeks.

It's not 100% per say, and it will take longer to upload and write, but I think I might be able to find myself back in the business.

Now with this out of the way, this means I might be able to get into the REWRITE of the Flaming Heart Series that I had mentioned long ago in BOOK 4 and made announcements of it. 

Something I wanted to do as I want to tell Miyuki's story a bit better, with more consistency and other fixes that is needed. I want to give my girl the respect along with the closure she and Hiei deserve, especially when they had been deep in my heart for many years or so.

I decided to keep the old books up for the many that still enjoys it. As for the new plot, I'll just start a new series from the ground up with the same Title 'FLAMING HEARTS' but with fixes, and much more. And with a little bit of help, hopefully I'll be able to deliver you something just as great as the previous one.

I love you all, and see you laterz.

Naomi out!


Miyuki Urameshi will return. . .

Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fire ~ Book4 [DISCONTINUED] {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now