CH8 - Paths Of Our Own. . . - Part 2

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"Sorry about the welcoming party." Kuroko apologized as she, her children and the Urameshi siblings began walking deeper into the woods. "I trained them to attack without question any time they sense demon energy. But you don't need to worry from now on. They'll remember your faces." She added while earning small nods from Yusuke who was eyeing the young twin pair along with his sister, who had been gazing at the two younger figures for a while now in a slight admiration.

"So, I take that they're the dogs, huh?" The Urameshi boy questioned the retired Spirit Detective curiously.

"Yeah, well I had trouble making up a 'Be aware of children' sign threatening." Joked Kuroko before giving a light-hearted chuckle.

"Let me get this straight, those bones on the way up here?" Yusuke asked as he remembered those skeleton remains in that grass area.

"Probably the remains of the apparitions my kids have killed." The woman replied to him casually, like it was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Impressive." Miyuki couldn't help but comment out loud, which got the little brunette girl's attention for a second, making her look over her shoulder and stole a glance from the white-haired teen with sapphire blue eyes. "But also, a bit concerning since they are just children still. Don't you get worried at times something might go wrong?" The Urameshi girl added, sounding slightly concerned since in the end of the day, they were still young kids with a long life ahead of them.

"I did give them the option to not do it, but they still agreed on." Kuroko replied to the teen girl with a small smile of reassurance before looking at her kids with a small hint of pride that sparkled up in her eyes. "Also, I train them regularly, so there are still room for them to grow but at the same time I let them have their own fun like any other children. Plus, if something happens, I am near the area just in case and keep an eye out at least."

"Hmpf, I can handle myself mom!" The little boy scoffed irritated while crossing his arms behind his head.

"Yeah, me too." His sister chimed in as well, like the boy she does not like it when someone underestimates them in a way, just because they are too young.

"Now kids, don't let the confident get in your heads." The mother told the two with a firm tone, but she was also giving them a small smile to them. "Always make sure to think of the possible outcomes because it might result you getting both or at least one of you stuck in a tight situation." The woman then nodded her head toward the white-haired girl behind her. " Just like now with Miyuki over there. What would have happened to you if these two were the real bad guys of the story who ended up being stronger than the both of you combined?" She made a valid point which the children accepted the reasoning without any fuss.

"Yes mom." The twins eventually agreed in a small sigh of defeat since they knew their mother is right. "We understand." The two added in a perfect sync, which made Miyuki secretly smile to herself as it reminded her about those few happy memories she made with Yusuke, back when they were as young as Kuroko's children. But she eventually shook her head to rip herself out of her thoughts, and turned to the Ex Female Spirit Detective with a question that popped into her mind.

"Does anyone else know about our meeting?" Miyuki asked, getting now a bit cautious. There are no dangers at the moment, but she kept her guard up in case something happens.

"Other than Genkai, the kids, and my husband, no one else knows, and we told no soul about it." The woman replied to her, reassuringly. "The meeting was kept as a secret."

"The kids knew too?" Yusuke questioned a bit incredulously since that answer did not make sense. "Then how come they came to kick our asses?!"

"Well, as I said, I taught them to attack without question any time they sense someone with high demon energy." Kuroko replied to the sibling pair with a small chuckle of embarrassment. "And it kind of slipped my mind to mention this to them while waiting."

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