CH25 - Finally Be Open - Part2

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[Ten minutes earlier. . .]

"Awh man, again?!" Yusuke griped loudly as one of his feet, not so gently, kicked away some rocks and dirt. "Ugh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me right now!" He grumbled but the teens with him dismissed it as their main priority was to find their missing friends. Though they eventually had it with the Urameshi boy, once he got hit by a small tree branch that he wasn't paying attention to. "Damn you stupid-!" A large hand slapped its way over the boy's loudmouth.

"Would you be quiet !?" Kazuma snapped in a whisper-shout as his eyes went narrow at the annoyed-looking Yusuke. "If you keep on yelling like that, the guests might come and call security guards on our ass or something." As he said that he darted his eyes around the area to make sure there was indeed no one that is spying on them. The half-demon just rolled his eyes as he peeled his comrade's hand from his face.

"Yeah, says the guy who can't stop crying out 'YUKINA' for 24/7." The Urameshi boy barked, even mimicking his friend's gruff voice. The point and insult popped veins out on Kuwabara's forehead as he took those words as a personal attack. 

"Well, unlike you, I at least have the balls to show admiration and respect towards my lady while you couldn't even ask yours for a dance without your sister nagging you." The teen with orange hair replied sharply which hit a sore spot for Yusuke. 

"Why you-!" The once Spirit Detective was ready to give a snarky remark but the voice of someone clearing their throat stopped him from doing so. The boys turned their heads to the source, only to see Ruby with eyes shooting daggers at them as her arms were folded, and one foot was tapping the grass underneath her. The sight cut the foolish fight short, leaving the teen boys with their remorse clouding above their heads.

Stillness takes over but got broken the moment the young Water-Bender exhaled loudly via her nose with her fingers pinching the bridge area. Her eyes fall shut out of weariness. Usually, she would tolerate the problematic duo's doing, but at the moment, she wasn't in the mood for this one.

"Look, can we just go and find those two before someone else does?" The teen girl told them with a stern but also strained voice. Not waiting for an answer, Ruby turned on her high heels fast and left the now concerned-looking boys behind.

"Jeez, and I thought Miyuki would worry this much." Of course, the Urameshi boy couldn't help but muttered his thoughts out loud as he and his buddy finally put one foot in front of the other to follow their teammate's lead.

"Well, you can't really blame her, now can you?" Kazuma questioned before he fixed his collar around his neck. " I mean, that last mission has rather. . . " The sentence's next part got drowned down the moment his eyes met Yusuke's sour expression. That was enough for Kuwabara to cut the gory details out and just get straight to the point. "Well, either way, I am glad that everything is somewhat alright now." 

"Yeah. . . As alright as it can get. . ." The Urameshi boy sighed with skepticism coating his statement. 

"Oh, don't be like that Urameshi." His friend exclaimed as he no doubt rolled his eyes at the Urameshi boy's lack of spirit. "If you are worried about having those jerks from Spirit World coming after you and your sister, you know you can always count me in for a good beating!" The teen boy with black hair chuckled in amusement at his teammate's idea, but nonetheless, he appreciates the enthusiasm and how he cares about him and his sibling. In fact, he was thankful for having Kazuma in his life, even though he considers him an annoying thorn in his side.

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