CH26 - Starting To See

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"Thank you again for coming today." Shiori smiled with glee as she captured Ruby into a warm embrace which the teen girl gladly accepted.

"I should be the one saying thank you for inviting me to take part in your special day." The mentioned bender girl laughs in delight as she pulls away from the beautiful mother figure. "Congratulations to you again."

"Oh, don't mention it dear." The woman held onto Ruby's petite hands gently with a smile as bright as the sun. "You are like a part of the family now, so it's only natural for asking for your presence." The phrase got caught by Miyuki's ear, and it gave her creativity an element to joke with.

"And perhaps in the future, the favor will be repaid once Rosehead puts a ring on you." The Urameshi girl's voice chimed in, a smirk forming on her lips as she watched her young Water-Bender friend's face turn as red as the roses the restaurant has.

"M-MIYUKI, NOOOO!" Ruby yelped out loud as she clutched onto her Phoenix Friend and began jerking her back and forth to shake off the Urameshi sarcasm that embarrassed her honor. Said Urameshi twin just let her have it.

"A brute teaser to the very end I see Miyuki dear." Shiori mused before peeking at her son who was chatting with the boys and Yukina. She couldn't help but beam a bit at Miyuki's idea of his son one day reaching the merriest point of his life, just like she did today. That would be something that she would be looking forward to in the future. . . That's for sure. . .

"By the way Shiori, where will you plan on spending the Honeymoon?" The Urameshi girl popped her question, making Shiori turn her attention back to the teen girls.

"Well, to be fair, I originally envisioned a small visit to my old hometown." The woman replied right as she once more glanced up at her elder son. "However, my dear Shuichi had other plans for my husband and I, because his wedding gift for us is a big trip overseas."

"Huh?" Miyuki was quite taken aback by that, and so was her friend by her side, but unlike the Uramehsi girl, Ruby displayed her enthusiasm towards it.

"That's amazing!" The bender girl had ith stars in her eyes, but then she suddenly paused for a moment. "But wait a second, then it would mean the boys will be left behind, don't they?"

"Sadly, yes." The woman nodded her head before glancing back at her sons. "I did suggest spending that time together as a family, but my Shuichi insisted on having some time for myself and husband as a couple. It is unfortunate, but that's how it is, and well as you two know, it's hard to change his mind. " She turned back to her young female companions with a confident smile. " I don't worry much though. After all, Shuichi will take care of everything, and Kokoda. With him being in charge, nothing can go wrong."

"Well, can't argue with that." Miyuki agreed with the statement, although she trailed down a little as she turned to look at Ruby knowingly, who in turn returned a similar stare. Without the proper context, the mother figure just thought the girls were concerned, so she placed her hands on each girls' shoulder as a way to offer some comfort.

"Hey!" Shiori soothingly calls for their attention as she smiles kindly. "I'm sure they will be fine. But if it would make you two feel any better, then feel free to come around and visit them."

"O-of course, ma'am." The Water-Bender promised while her friend does the same with a small nod of agreement.

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